I'm trying to access an http website with selenium using driver.get(I've quintupled checked http is indeed getting fed to it) and the request instantly get modified to https(I checked with selenium wire 2 and the http request never even show up) but if I then manually change https to http in the address bar of that session still open, the request is properly made to the http address.
This is a problem because the https version exist but is broken so it only loads an error page.
I've been trying to understand how this can happen and how to get around it and I'm drawing a blank other than not using headless mode(which I'm not using for testing but would want to in the final version) and automating changing the address bar text.
Anyone knows why manually changing the address bar is behaving differently from using driver.get()?
Edit: Didn't think I needed to add code since my question is about the driver behavior, but for those who would like to test it for themselves, he's a short python test for it:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
When you run this(you can use any website that supports both http and https as far as I'm aware), it'll open a window to the https website and then pause. If you then manually modify the address in the address bar to remove the s from https, it'll then properly navigate to the http version specified in the get function, as one would expect it would do in the first place from the automated request.
I've tried a lot of arguments like "--disable-web-security" and none of them changed that behavior.