
python - Spearman Rank Correlation in SciPy vs. Manual Calculation - Mismatch in Results - Stack Overflow


I am trying to compute the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two ranked lists using scipy.stats.spearmanr and manually using the formula:

However, I am getting significantly different results.

I have two lists representing the top 10 similar users identified using two different methods:

Method 1 Rankings:

User ID: [301, 597, 414, 477, 57, 369, 206, 535, 590, 418]

Rank: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Method 2 Rankings:

User ID: [301, 477, 19, 120, 75, 57, 597, 160, 577, 369]

Rank: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

I then applied Spearman’s rank correlation using scipy.stats.spearmanr:

from scipy.stats import spearmanr

method1 = [301, 597, 414, 477, 57, 369, 206, 535, 590, 418]
method2 = [301, 477, 19, 120, 75, 57, 597, 160, 577, 369]

coef, _ = spearmanr(method1, method2)
print(f"Spearman coefficient: {coef}")

Spearman coefficient: 0.2727

Manual Calculation: To verify, I computed ρ manually using the common users between both lists.

User ID Rank (Method 1) Rank (Method 2) (d_i = R_1 - R_2) (d_i^2)
301 1 1 0 0
597 2 7 -5 25
477 4 2 2 4
57 5 6 -1 1
369 6 10 -4 16

I am trying to compute the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two ranked lists using scipy.stats.spearmanr and manually using the formula:

However, I am getting significantly different results.

I have two lists representing the top 10 similar users identified using two different methods:

Method 1 Rankings:

User ID: [301, 597, 414, 477, 57, 369, 206, 535, 590, 418]

Rank: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Method 2 Rankings:

User ID: [301, 477, 19, 120, 75, 57, 597, 160, 577, 369]

Rank: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

I then applied Spearman’s rank correlation using scipy.stats.spearmanr:

from scipy.stats import spearmanr

method1 = [301, 597, 414, 477, 57, 369, 206, 535, 590, 418]
method2 = [301, 477, 19, 120, 75, 57, 597, 160, 577, 369]

coef, _ = spearmanr(method1, method2)
print(f"Spearman coefficient: {coef}")

Spearman coefficient: 0.2727

Manual Calculation: To verify, I computed ρ manually using the common users between both lists.

User ID Rank (Method 1) Rank (Method 2) (d_i = R_1 - R_2) (d_i^2)
301 1 1 0 0
597 2 7 -5 25
477 4 2 2 4
57 5 6 -1 1
369 6 10 -4 16

we have only 5 common users, n=5.

Using the formula I got Spearman coefficient(



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