.= 'tag.htm'; break; case 'flag': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'flag.htm'; break; case 'my': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my.htm'; break; case 'my_password': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my_password.htm'; break; case 'my_bind': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my_bind.htm'; break; case 'my_avatar': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my_avatar.htm'; break; case 'home_article': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'home_article.htm'; break; case 'home_comment': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'home_comment.htm'; break; case 'user': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user.htm'; break; case 'user_login': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_login.htm'; break; case 'user_create': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_create.htm'; break; case 'user_resetpw': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_resetpw.htm'; break; case 'user_resetpw_complete': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_resetpw_complete.htm'; break; case 'user_comment': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_comment.htm'; break; case 'single_page': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'single_page.htm'; break; case 'search': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'search.htm'; break; case 'operate_sticky': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_sticky.htm'; break; case 'operate_close': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_close.htm'; break; case 'operate_delete': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_delete.htm'; break; case 'operate_move': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_move.htm'; break; case '404': $pre .= $default_pre .= '404.htm'; break; case 'read_404': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'read_404.htm'; break; case 'list_404': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'list_404.htm'; break; default: $pre .= $default_pre .= theme_mode_pre(); break; } if ($config['theme']) { $conffile = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $config['theme'] . '/conf.json'; $json = is_file($conffile) ? xn_json_decode(file_get_contents($conffile)) : array(); } !empty($json['installed']) and $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $config['theme'] . '/htm/' . ($id ? $id . '_' : '') . $pre; (empty($path_file) || !is_file($path_file)) and $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $config['theme'] . '/htm/' . $pre; if (!empty($config['theme_child']) && is_array($config['theme_child'])) { foreach ($config['theme_child'] as $theme) { if (empty($theme) || is_array($theme)) continue; $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $theme . '/htm/' . ($id ? $id . '_' : '') . $pre; !is_file($path_file) and $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $theme . '/htm/' . $pre; } } !is_file($path_file) and $path_file = APP_PATH . ($dir ? 'plugin/' . $dir . '/view/htm/' : 'view/htm/') . $default_pre; return $path_file; } function theme_mode_pre($type = 0) { global $config; $mode = $config['setting']['website_mode']; $pre = ''; if (1 == $mode) { $pre .= 2 == $type ? 'portal_category.htm' : 'portal.htm'; } elseif (2 == $mode) { $pre .= 2 == $type ? 'flat_category.htm' : 'flat.htm'; } else { $pre .= 2 == $type ? 'index_category.htm' : 'index.htm'; } return $pre; } ?>I need help adding a second custom menu item to the WooCommerce account area menu

I need help adding a second custom menu item to the WooCommerce account area menu


I copied (and customised) the following code which I found online into my functions.php. It has allowed me to add an extra menu item to my WooCommernce account area menu. I now need to add a second menu item and I am not sure how to do this. Does anyone have any advice?

/*My account menu item*/
add_filter ( 'woocommerce_account_menu_items', 'misha_one_more_link' );
function misha_one_more_link( $menu_links ){

    // we will hook "anyuniquetext123" later
    $new = array( 'anyuniquetext123' => 'Tour itineraries' );

    // array_slice() is good when you want to add an element between the other ones
    $menu_links = array_slice( $menu_links, 0, 2, true )
    + $new
    + array_slice( $menu_links, 2, NULL, true );

    return $menu_links;


add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_endpoint_url', 'misha_hook_endpoint', 10, 4 );
function misha_hook_endpoint( $url, $endpoint, $value, $permalink ){

    if( $endpoint === 'anyuniquetext123' ) {

        // ok, here is the place for your custom URL, it could be external
        $url = site_url('/tour-itineraries');

    return $url;



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