In an attempt to replace the fucntionality of post_submitbox_misc_actions
using gutenberg, I have the below.....
import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins';
import { PluginPostStatusInfo } from '@wordpress/edit-post';
import { CheckboxControl } from '@wordpress/components';
const PluginPostStatusInfoTest = () => (
<p>Post Status Info SlotFill</p>
registerPlugin( 'post-status-info-test', { render: PluginPostStatusInfoTest } );
This is working well and is adding PostStatus Info SlotFill
text to the correct place in the sidebar. But not I am trying to add a checkbox in that can be saved with the post.
Does anybody have an example they can show me? Can I just add a HTML checkbox or do I need to do it in a more WP native way?
Do I need to do anything different with regards to saving or can I just use the save_post
action like with the classic editor?
In an attempt to replace the fucntionality of post_submitbox_misc_actions
using gutenberg, I have the below.....
import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins';
import { PluginPostStatusInfo } from '@wordpress/edit-post';
import { CheckboxControl } from '@wordpress/components';
const PluginPostStatusInfoTest = () => (
<p>Post Status Info SlotFill</p>
registerPlugin( 'post-status-info-test', { render: PluginPostStatusInfoTest } );
This is working well and is adding PostStatus Info SlotFill
text to the correct place in the sidebar. But not I am trying to add a checkbox in that can be saved with the post.
Does anybody have an example they can show me? Can I just add a HTML checkbox or do I need to do it in a more WP native way?
Do I need to do anything different with regards to saving or can I just use the save_post
action like with the classic editor?
1 Answer
Reset to default 1I happen to be working on the same thing this weekend. Here is the relevant documentation that has most of what you need to get up and running. I'm using a ToggleControl but it is very similar to using a CheckboxControl. I'll paste code below but you will also find this extensive tutorial to be very helpful.
Define your toggle:
//Gutenburg toggle
let GutenbergToggle = (props) => {
return (
label="Some Toggle Control"
checked={ props.state }
onChange={(value) => props.onBlockEditorToggleChange(value)}
Then add it to the panel:
const PluginPostStatusInfoTest = () => (
<p>Post Status Info SlotFill</p>
<GutenbergToggle />
Rudimentary code to save and retrieve the data:
GutenbergToggle = withSelect(
(select) => {
return {
state: select('core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta')['_use_block_editor']
GutenbergToggle = withDispatch(
(dispatch) => {
return {
onBlockEditorToggleChange: (value) => {
dispatch('core/editor').editPost({ meta: { _use_block_editor: value } });