I'm trying to upload an image to a server using Ktor's submitFormWithBinaryData API, but I'm facing an issue where the server returns a 400 Bad Request error. In addition, the response logs show the error: Unknown form content type: io.ktor.http.content.PartData$FileItem@334102c.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Steps Taken: Creating Multipart Form Data: I’m trying to upload an image file to the server using multipart/form-data. I’ve created a custom function to convert a File object to a PartData.FileItem for use in the request.
Code to Upload Image:
suspend fun updateProfileImage(endPoint: String, imageFile: File): UpdateProfileImageResponse? {
if (!imageFile.exists() || imageFile.length() == 0L) {
Log.e("TAG", "Image file does not exist or is empty")
return null
return try {
val curlHeaders = mutableListOf<String>()
val response: HttpResponse = client.submitFormWithBinaryData(
url = "https://$endPoint",
formData = formData {
append("image", imageFile.asMultipartPart()) // Correctly append the file part
) {
headers {
val headersMap = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
appendRequestHeaders(headersMap, isImageAPI = true)
append(HttpHeaders.ContentType, "multipart/form-data")
headersMap.forEach { (key, value) ->
append(key, value)
curlHeaders.add("-H \"$key: $value\"")
if (response.status.isSuccess()) {
val responseBody = response.body<String>()
} else {
} catch (e: Exception) {
fun File.asMultipartPart(): PartData {
return PartData.FileItem(
provider = { this.inputStream().asInput() }, // Correct way to send file
dispose = { /* No-op */ },
partHeaders = Headers.build {
append(HttpHeaders.ContentDisposition, "form-data; name=\"image\"; filename=\"${[email protected]}\"")
append(HttpHeaders.ContentType, "image/jpeg") // Correct Content-Type
Problem: The request is not being recognized properly, and the server returns a 400 Bad Request error. Additionally, the log shows the error: Unknown form content type: io.ktor.http.content.PartData$FileItem@334102c.
Things I’ve Tried: Set Headers Properly: I set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data and the specific content type for the file (image/jpeg).
File Validation: I check if the file exists and isn’t empty before uploading it.
Multipart File Handling: I’m using the submitFormWithBinaryData method, but the server isn’t able to correctly interpret the form data, especially the file part.
Error Details: Unknown form content type: io.ktor.http.content.PartData$FileItem@334102c The server responds with a 400 Bad Request status code.