return FALSE; $r = well_tag_thread__update(array('id' => $id), $update); return $r; } function well_tag_thread_find($tagid, $page, $pagesize) { $arr = well_tag_thread__find(array('tagid' => $tagid), array('id' => -1), $page, $pagesize); return $arr; } function well_tag_thread_find_by_tid($tid, $page, $pagesize) { $arr = well_tag_thread__find(array('tid' => $tid), array(), $page, $pagesize); return $arr; } ?>SSIS Package with Timer Task - Stack Overflow

SSIS Package with Timer Task - Stack Overflow


I have attached a flowchart image of what I would like to do in my SSIS package. Is this possible and what is the best way to go about it?

flowchar pic click here

I've only created the flowchart first to see if this is even possible before I proceed.



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