I am using React Storybook to show examples of a TextInput
component in React. The component has value
and onValueChange
props to handle the component's state.
As it is a controlled component, I added a decorator to the story meta so that the onValueChange
prop updates the args
of the story using useArgs
hook (see /)
const meta = {
title: '2. Components/Basic/TextInput',
component: TextInput,
tags: ['autodocs'],
decorators: [
function Component(Story, ctx) {
const [, setArgs] = useArgs<typeof ctx.args>();
const onValueChangeWithArgUpdate = (value: string) => {
setArgs({ value });
return (
args={{ ...ctx.args, onValueChange: onValueChangeWithArgUpdate }}
} satisfies Meta<typeof TextInput>;
This works well, however I also have an interaction test whenever the story is viewed - it enters some text and verifies that the onValueChange
function is called the correct number of times.
If the line setArgs({ value })
is commented out then the interaction test still works (albeit the entered test does not appear in the input the component has no internal state). Otherwise, the result is "onValueChanged has been called 0 times" in Storybook.
Please could someone explain why the test is failing and if there is a way to fix it. I tried wrapping onValueChangeWithArgUpdate
in a useCallback
hook but it did not help.