Has anyone experience with pdf form checkbox checking? The case is that within a django application, based on annotations of pdf forms I map and identify checkboxes I want to either check, or leave empty based on django orm model data. The function is being called and executed correctly, but it does not make actuall cross, or tick in checkbox. It only rather slightly mislocate an overlaying "shadow", which form still caries (it seems like the particular field can be still edited)
- function works locally, but not in django app
- although it works locally, it do not create crosses, or ticks, but circle points (a huge dot within checkbox)
def check_the_checkbox(pdf_annotation, nm_substring):
# regex identifiaction of checkbox and construction of checkbox_field_name_composer here
if checkbox_field_name_composer and checkbox_field_name_composer in checkboxes_to_map.keys():
parent = annotation.get('/Parent')
if "/AP" in annotation and checkbox_field_name_composer in nm_substring:
ap_element = annotation.get('/AP')
# Explicitly set checkbox to checked by modifying the AP element
if isinstance(ap_element, PdfDict):
ap_element.update(PdfDict(D="/Yes")) # Set the appearance to checked
ap_element.update(PdfDict(N="/Yes")) # Normal state (checked)
annotation.update(PdfDict(AS=pdfrw.PdfName('Yes'))) # Set appearance state to checked
print(f"Updated AP Element to checked: {ap_element}")
if not isinstance(ap_element, PdfDict):
ap_element = PdfDict(D="/Yes", N="/Yes") # Ensure the AP is set correctly
print(f"Set AP Element to default (checked): {ap_element}")
if parent and ("/T" not in annotation.keys() and parent.get('/FT') == '/Btn'):
# Mark the checkbox as checked by setting the value to "On"
print("Checkbox marked as checked.")
# Optionally adjust the Rect to ensure proper display
rect = annotation.get('/Rect')
if rect:
# Extract numeric values from the PdfObjects
x0 = extract_numeric(rect[0])
y0 = extract_numeric(rect[1])
x1 = extract_numeric(rect[2])
y1 = extract_numeric(rect[3])
# Calculate new width and height (if needed)
new_width = x1 - x0
new_height = y1 - y0
scale_factor = 0.8 # Adjust the scale factor to make the circle smaller
new_width *= scale_factor
new_height *= scale_factor
# Update the Rect with the new size
annotation.update(PdfDict(Rect=[x0, y0, x0 + new_width, y0 + new_height]))
print(f"Updated Rect with new size: {annotation.get('/Rect')}")
print(f"Annotation does not match checkbox: {annotation.keys()}")
print(f"Checkbox field name {checkbox_field_name_composer} not found in checkboxes_to_map
The code contains debugging prints and I reckon that I perhaps do not update correct annotation or do not update it in a correct way.