
Trying to calculate "CountIfs" using multiple criteria and named ranges - Stack Overflow


I have a Table in Excel that has columns for : Country, Status, Cohort. I have given these columns named range values.

The country column would be a 3 letter acronym (BEL, USA, ESP), the Status Column would be "Active" or "Inactive" and the Cohort Column might be "1, 2, 3".

What I'm trying to do is create a count of "Show me all records that are from Belgium, that are Active, and are on Cohort 2."

I can get it to work with COUNTIFS when I use the actual cells (.e.g B1:B400, "BEL", C1:C400, "Active", D1:D400, "3").

But I have named values for all the cells mentioned above. I did some searching and it sounds like the CountIfs function doesn't work if you have more than 1 named value in the formula. Is there a way around it?

Ideally I would have preferred to do: =COUNTIFS(Country, "BEL", Status, "Active", Cohort, "3").

Is there a different, but efficient way to solve my problem?

If I try to create a formula using the named values, the result ends in #VALUE! once I add more than one criteria to the statement.



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