return FALSE; $r = well_tag_thread__update(array('id' => $id), $update); return $r; } function well_tag_thread_find($tagid, $page, $pagesize) { $arr = well_tag_thread__find(array('tagid' => $tagid), array('id' => -1), $page, $pagesize); return $arr; } function well_tag_thread_find_by_tid($tid, $page, $pagesize) { $arr = well_tag_thread__find(array('tid' => $tid), array(), $page, $pagesize); return $arr; } ?>homepage - custom home page and custom index page?

homepage - custom home page and custom index page?


I have a custom home.php design only for my homepage, also I have an index.php that made for page like:

my problem is that for this page WordPress load home.php how can I load index.php for this page?

Note: I don't want to use custom blog page like :

Note: I try front-page.php and it doesn't work too



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