
multisite - How to build custom route by adding taxonomies to URL ? ex: www.demo.comcommunitiespalo-alto


I am trying to achieve this in WordPress, but no luck

Here '/communities' is custom Taxonomy of post type 'PAGE', '/Palo-alto' is term from communities taxonomy .

  1. I want user first to click on communities which will show all communities in grid, URL should be www.demo/communities/

  2. then after he can select one community from list, ex he select 'Palo-alto' , then URL should be www.demo/community/palo-alto/

BASICALLY here each community has its own home page , linked by communities taxonomy , like 'Palo-alto' has its own home page, 'las-Vegas' has its own, I want to show home page of particular community

problem is that I don't want .php at end of URL just www.demo/community/palo-alto/

Extra : after solving this issue I also want to show 'gallery', 'events', 'downloads' for that particular community ex; www.demo/community/palo-alto/events , www.demo/community/palo-alto/gallery



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