
Issues with Minio C# SDK : Uploading a file and getting presigned url - Stack Overflow


Issue 1 : I have a binary file stored in another table, that I want to send to Minio. The method only allows for a filePath that I don't have. How to send a binary?

I'm trying to implement using the details from here : .html#running-minio-client-examples

Issue 2 After uploading the file, I need to generate a presigned url and send to a 3rd party app, so that app can pull the file and process it The sdk only has a bucketId , and I don't know how to get it

For issue 1 :

private async static Task Run(IMinioClient minio, string ssBucketName, string ssLocation, string ssObjectName, string ssFilePath, string ssContentType)
    var bucketName = ssBucketName;
    var location = ssLocation;
    var objectName = ssObjectName;
    var filePath = ssFilePath;
    var contentType = ssContentType;
        var putObjectArgs = new PutObjectArgs()
                .WithFileName(filePath) //how do I replace this with a binary?
        await minio.PutObjectAsync(putObjectArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);
    catch (MinioException e)


For issue 2 :

private async static Task<string> GetUrl(IMinioClient minio, string bucketId)
    var presignedArgs = new PresignedGetObjectArgs()
    var url = await minio.PresignedGetObjectAsync(presignedArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);

    return url;


I have an aditional issue here: the action that calls GetUrl is like this :

 var endpoint = ssEndPoint;
 var accessKey = ssAccessKey;
 var secretKey = ssSecretKey;

     var minio = new MinioClient()
         .WithCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)
     GetUrl(minio, ssBucketId).Wait();
 catch (Exception ex)

How do I assing the return of GetUrl call to a string variable? If I use var url = GetUrl(minio, ssBucketId).Wait(); I get error "Cannot assign error to an implicitly-typed variable" which I kind of understand the reason, but don't know how to fix it.



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