I´m trying to encode url with parameters to inject in 'redirect_to' param of the current url. This is my code :
if( !is_user_logged_in() ){
$page = get_post_by_name( 'page', 'custom-log-in' );
$current_url = rawurlencode(home_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
if( !empty( $page ) ){
wp_redirect( sprintf( '%1$s?redirect_to=%2$s',
get_permalink( $page ),
$current_url )
wp_redirect( wp_login_url($current_url)
The problem is the url generated does not convert & so for this following code :
if( !empty( $_GET['redirect_to'] ) ){
$redirect_link = $_GET['redirect_to'];
The output cut the url and consider others params '&' like a param for the current page.
Example :
becomes => https://my-site/custom-log-in/?redirect_to=https://my-site/page-1/?h4a-rcos=1&c=123&o=666
so `$_GET['redirect_to']` => 'https://my-site/page-1/?h4a-rcos=1' instead of 'https://my-site/page-1/?h4a-rcos=1&c=123&o=666'
How can I properly encode the redirection url to use it on a page ?