I have routers with canActivate: [ AuthGuard ]
and validation inside AuthGuard
How to force check canActivate
in same router url ?
For example: Current route is /admin
and I have got event like session expired
. I have session check in AuthGuard
but this check activates only when I execute .navigate(...)
. How to force run canActivate
in same location?
I've tried: this.router.navigate([ this.router.url ]);
but angular checks same location and do nothing.
p.s. I can locate to "login page" or other pages when I got session expired event
, but I have all redirects inside AuthGuard
and I do not want to repeat the same redirects in all other events, I need just like location.reload()
but in Angular2 routes.
Main question sounds like: How to force rerun canActivate
guards in current location?
I have routers with canActivate: [ AuthGuard ]
and validation inside AuthGuard
How to force check canActivate
in same router url ?
For example: Current route is /admin
and I have got event like session expired
. I have session check in AuthGuard
but this check activates only when I execute .navigate(...)
. How to force run canActivate
in same location?
I've tried: this.router.navigate([ this.router.url ]);
but angular checks same location and do nothing.
p.s. I can locate to "login page" or other pages when I got session expired event
, but I have all redirects inside AuthGuard
and I do not want to repeat the same redirects in all other events, I need just like location.reload()
but in Angular2 routes.
Main question sounds like: How to force rerun canActivate
guards in current location?
2 Answers
Reset to default 7My temporary solution:
import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router, RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router';
export class AuthService {
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router,
private injector: Injector) {
// Dirty hack for angular2 routing recheck
private forceRunAuthGuard() {
if (this.route.root.children.length) {
// gets current route
const curr_route = this.route.root.children[ '0' ];
// gets first guard class
const AuthGuard = curr_route.snapshot.routeConfig.canActivate[ '0' ];
// injects guard
const authGuard = this.injector.get(AuthGuard);
// makes custom RouterStateSnapshot object
const routerStateSnapshot: RouterStateSnapshot = Object.assign({}, curr_route.snapshot, { url: this.router.url });
// runs canActivate
authGuard.canActivate(curr_route.snapshot, routerStateSnapshot);
{ path: 'faq', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], ponent: FaqComponent },
{ path: 'about', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], ponent: AboutUsComponent },
{ path: 'upgrade', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], ponent: UpgradeComponent },
This code runs AuthGuard
Unfortunately @mixalbl4's answer is still relevant today, but I tought I'd give it a more generic approach, the code below will work with any AuthGuard:
import { Injectable, Injector } from "@angular/core";
import { ActivatedRoute, CanActivate, CanActivateChild, Router, RouterStateSnapshot, UrlTree } from "@angular/router";
import { concat, concatMap, from, isObservable, last, Observable, of, skip, takeWhile } from "rxjs";
export class AuthService{
protected routeSnapshot: RouterStateSnapshot;
protected route: ActivatedRoute,
protected injector: Injector,
protected router: Router){
this.routeSnapshot = Object.assign({}, this.route.snapshot, { url: this.router.url });
public checkActivation(){
this.checkRouteActivation(this.route).subscribe(a => {
if(a !== true){
if(a === false)
a = this.router.parseUrl("DEFAULT_ROUTE"); // Route to redirect to on activation fail, if not specified by guard
this.router.navigateByUrl(a as UrlTree);
private checkRouteActivation(route: ActivatedRoute):Observable<boolean | UrlTree>{
let conditions:Observable<boolean | UrlTree>[] = [];
// Check own activation
if(route.routeConfig.canActivate?.length ?? 0 > 0)
conditions.push(...route.routeConfig.canActivate!.map(a => this.validateGuard(a, route, false)));
if(route.routeConfig.canActivateChild?.length ?? 0 > 0)
conditions.push(...route.routeConfig.canActivateChild!.map(ac => this.validateGuard(ac, route, true)));
// Add last true (if does not have any activations or parents)
if(conditions.length == 0)
let ownObservable = concat(...conditions).pipe(takeWhile(v => v === true, true), last());
// Validate parent if present
return this.checkRouteActivation(route.parent).pipe(concatMap(v => v === true ?
ownObservable :
return ownObservable;
private validateGuard(guardToken: any, route: ActivatedRoute, child:boolean):Observable<boolean | UrlTree>{
var guard: (CanActivate & CanActivateChild) = this.injector.get(guardToken);
let result:Observable<boolean | UrlTree> | Promise<boolean | UrlTree> | boolean | UrlTree;
result = guard.canActivate(route.snapshot, this.routeSnapshot);
result = guard.canActivateChild(route.snapshot, this.routeSnapshot);
return result;
else if(typeof (result as any)?.then === 'function') // check if is promise
return from(result as Promise<boolean | UrlTree>);
return of(result as boolean | UrlTree);