I am using a hammer.js library with its jQuery plugin. I started using it as suggested by documentation, so something like this to initiate it on .game-card-mobile
/* Create Hammer object for swipable game cards */
var $gameCard = $('.game-card-mobile');
var $gameCardTouch = $gameCard.hammer();
$gameCardTouch.on("panright press panleft", function(ev) {
This allows me to restrict available actions to pan/swipe element to the right, left and press on it, however during one event, lets say panright
I would get many entries printed out in console although only one pan was performed. So I then changed initiation to this:
$gameCardTouch.on("panend", function(ev) {
Now it listens to panend
action which occur at the end of the action, thus is only returning one printout in console, however it is always panend
now, thus I lost restriction to only 3 previous actions and am unable to detect what specific action was performed.
Is there a way to bine these so I would get a print out of panright
if users swiped right, panleft
if swiped left and press, all just one time once they finish that action?
I am using a hammer.js library with its jQuery plugin. I started using it as suggested by documentation, so something like this to initiate it on .game-card-mobile
/* Create Hammer object for swipable game cards */
var $gameCard = $('.game-card-mobile');
var $gameCardTouch = $gameCard.hammer();
$gameCardTouch.on("panright press panleft", function(ev) {
This allows me to restrict available actions to pan/swipe element to the right, left and press on it, however during one event, lets say panright
I would get many entries printed out in console although only one pan was performed. So I then changed initiation to this:
$gameCardTouch.on("panend", function(ev) {
Now it listens to panend
action which occur at the end of the action, thus is only returning one printout in console, however it is always panend
now, thus I lost restriction to only 3 previous actions and am unable to detect what specific action was performed.
Is there a way to bine these so I would get a print out of panright
if users swiped right, panleft
if swiped left and press, all just one time once they finish that action?
Any reason you can't just check
? See "Event Object": hammerjs.github.io/api/#event-object – Jack Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 23:05 - @Jack I get 'undefined printed out' in console, What is such check supposed to return? ideally I would want a string like 'panright' returned. – Ilja Commented Apr 3, 2015 at 9:58
4 Answers
Reset to default 6 +50Just using a bination of the panright
, and panleft
with the panend
could work for you.
var direction;
var $gameCard = $('.game-card-mobile');
var $gameCardTouch = $gameCard.hammer();
$gameCardTouch.on("panright press panleft", function(ev) {
//Set the direction in here
direction = ev.type;
$gameCardTouch.on("panend", function(ev) {
//Use the direction in here
//You know the pan has ended
//and you know which action they were taking
//So do what ever here
if(direction === "whatever") ...
To expand a bit on what Jack was getting at. Perhaps a simpler solution...
ev.eventObject returns integer values https://hammerjs.github.io/api/#event-object
In the case of ev.direction:
- no movement = 0
- left = 2
- right = 4
- up = 8
- down = 16
- horizontal = 6
- vertical = 24
- all = 30
var mc = new Hammer(body);
mc.on("panend", function(ev) {
if (ev.direction == INT) {
//do something
var mc = new Hammer(body);
mc.on("panend", function(ev) {
//for left case
if (ev.direction == 2) {
//do something
//for right case
if (ev.direction == 4) {
//do something
I'm on my phone, so this is just pseudo code, but can't you do something like this:
var eventHandlers = {
panright: function(){},
press: function(){},
$gameCardTouch.on("panright press panleft", function(ev) {
if(ev.type === 'panright') {
} else if((ev.type === 'panleft'){
} else {
This example from the website is similar: http://codepen.io/jtangelder/pen/ABFnd
Was working on a similar problem using Backbone, jQuery, and Hammer. Here's how I solved it (only posting relevant bits). Hopefully someone finds this useful.
var Slideshow = Backbone.View.extend( {
events: {
"pan .slideshow-slide" : "handlePan",
"panstart .slideshow-slide" : "handlePanStart",
"panend .slideshow-slide" : "handlePanEnd",
state: {
panHistory: [],
handlePanStart: function( evt ) {
// attempt to get the pan x coord
var startX = this.getPanXFromEvent( evt );
// if an x coord couldn't be retrieved, get out
if ( !startX ) {
this.logger.warn( "Pan Start: Unable to find x", evt );
this.logger.log( "Pan Start", evt );
// set the pan x array so this is its first and only element
this.state.panHistory = [ startX ];
handlePan: function( evt ) {
// cache the pan history
var pans = this.state.panHistory,
// get the x coord from this pan event
lastX = this.getPanXFromEvent( evt );
// track deltas on the x axis during the pan, so we know if the user
// is switching directions between pan start and pan end
if ( lastX ) {
pans.push( lastX );
handlePanEnd: function( evt ) {
// get the direction of the pan
switch ( this.getDirectionFromPanEvent( evt ) ) {
// if we panned left and the next slide isn't out of
// range, go to the next slide.. otherwise fall back
// on the switch statement's default
if ( !this.isOutOfRange( this.state.current + 1 ) ) {
this.logger.log( "Pan End: Moving Left", evt );
// if we panned right and the previous slide isn't out
// of range, go to the previous slide.. otherwise fall
// back on the switch statement's default
if ( !this.isOutOfRange( this.state.current - 1 ) ) {
this.logger.log( "Pan End: Moving Right", evt );
// Snap back to the current slide by default by calling
// gotoSlide on the current index to reset the transform
this.logger.log( "Pan End: Snapping Back", evt );
this.gotoSlide( this.state.current );
getPanXFromEvent: function( evt ) {
return Utils.getValue( "originalEvent.gesture.center.x", evt );
getDirectionFromPanHistory: function( evt ) {
// placeholders for start, end, and last pan x coords
var i, start, last, end,
// cache the pan x array so we don't have to type it 50 times
pans = this.state.panHistory;
// if there aren't enough pans to calculate a delta, return 0
if ( pans.length < 2 ) {
return 0;
// get the starting pan x
start = pans[ 0 ];
// set last and end to the last pan x
last = end = pans[ pans.length - 1 ];
// loop backwards through the pans to find a pan x coord different from the ending one
// since there's a chance that identical pan x coords will be stacked in the array
for ( i = pans.length - 2; last === end && i >= 0; i-- ) {
last = pans[ i ];
// if the last pan was to the right, and we're farther right
// than we started, move right
return end > last && end > start ? Hammer.DIRECTION_RIGHT
// if the last pan was to the left, and we're farther left
// than we started, move left
: end < last && end < start ? Hammer.DIRECTION_LEFT
// otherwise move nowhere
: 0;
} );