
advanced custom fields - get_posts filter meta_query using ACF Checkbox


I have a checkbox field for a custom_post_type called distributors.

I am using get_posts and meta_query to filter the posts by the region checked. Each post has a value of canada or usa.

In my code I get their session which defines $country as canada or usa and is used in the meta_value field of arguments.

Here is my code:

$args = array (
    'post_type'     => 'distributors',
    'post_status'   => 'publish',
    'numberposts'   => -1,
    'meta_query'    =>  array (
        'key'     => 'region',
        'value'   => $country,
        'compare' => 'LIKE'
$distributors = get_posts($args);

It should then only show posts distributors which has a region matching the visitor's session.

In the above case it outputs all distributor posts.

I did a var_dump to find out why it's not matching. In the case of a usa related post, it shows the region stored as:

string(9) "Elizabeth"
string(10) "New Jersey"
array(1) {
  string(3) "usa"

In this case, in the database the value looks like:

In the case of a canada related post it shows region as:

string(7) "Concord"
string(7) "Ontario"
string(6) "canada"

In the database, the value looks like so:

What can I do to match when some values are NOT serialized and other are? I have a feeling some post data was imported directly and others were added via the wordpress dashboard which might account for some values not being serialized while others are.



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