I want to write my own layout.. (like vbox
, border
and so one)... What i want to do is to create layout that will place it's content in the middle (verticall - middle, horisontal - middle)..
Is there some one who could show me how this control will look like in extJs or can provide some links that may be usefull?
I have this example from
Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.FitLayout, {
// private
setItemSize : function(item, size){
if(item && size.height > 0){
size.width = item.width;
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['ux.center'] = Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout;
But it gives me more questions than answers.. What is setItemSize
How it works? When? Why? ect. What is item.setSize
called for? How it works? When? Why? ect.
I want to write my own layout.. (like vbox
, border
and so one)... What i want to do is to create layout that will place it's content in the middle (verticall - middle, horisontal - middle)..
Is there some one who could show me how this control will look like in extJs or can provide some links that may be usefull?
I have this example from
Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.FitLayout, {
// private
setItemSize : function(item, size){
if(item && size.height > 0){
size.width = item.width;
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['ux.center'] = Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout;
But it gives me more questions than answers.. What is setItemSize
How it works? When? Why? ect. What is item.setSize
called for? How it works? When? Why? ect.
- why do yo need to write a custom layout? what don't you did with ExtJS's layouts or what is the specific case for you. I am asking this because, I have done many ExtJS based web applications, and when you are using ExtJS, you have a enormous power, you can do almost everything easily without worrying about new layouts or ponents. – Fatih Acet Commented Mar 23, 2011 at 9:00
- I just want to create layout that will place items in the vertical and horisontall center, in my applicaton i will use this layout VERY offten so i really need it... am i only one who want to use this layout? o_O – obenjiro Commented Mar 23, 2011 at 9:35
- "place items in the vertical and horisontall center" does not mean anything - at least for me - if you detail the point more clearly - a basic draw might be the best way -, i will try to help you. – Fatih Acet Commented Mar 23, 2011 at 12:44
- heres an example, open this dev.sencha./deploy/dev/examples/layout-browser/… then go to Custom Layouts - Center... ok so i want someting like this, but layout have to align horisontal and vertical center... not only horisontal... – obenjiro Commented Mar 23, 2011 at 13:26
3 Answers
Reset to default 4 +100check the examples of ExtJS 3, there is an Ext.ux.Layout.CenterLayout
under custom layouts there already, maybe a good point to start?
Edit: Try this layout user extension, it centers an item in the horizontal and vertical center of it's container
Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, {
type: 'ux.center',
getLayoutTargetSize : function() {
var target = this.container.getLayoutTarget();
if (!target) {
return {};
return target.getStyleSize();
onLayout : function(ct, target){
Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, ct, target);
this.setItemSize(this.activeItem || ct.items.itemAt(0), this.getLayoutTargetSize());
setItemSize : function(item, size){
var left = (size.width - item.getWidth()) / 2;
var top = (size.height - item.getHeight()) / 2;
var pos = Ext.apply(item.getEl().getPositioning(), {
position : 'absolute',
left : left,
top : top
Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['ux.center'] = Ext.ux.layout.CenterLayout;
Ext.layout.ContainerLayout (the base class for layouts) has a doLayout
method that triggers your container rendering.
In the case of FitLayout, its overriden and it calls a custom setItemSize
function who calls the native setSize for the first container item (or the selected item if any), to fit the container size (maximize i guess).
Check also these custom layouts : http://layoutscroll.demo.revolunet./
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
pack: 'center',
align: 'middle'
items: [
html: 'Hello World'