
amazon s3 - What url should I use for S3 url when using Testharness? - Stack Overflow


I have an application that has a config that fails if the s3 bucket is unavailable.

I add the following to my test application.yaml

  access.key: "testAccessKey"
  secret.key: "testSecretKey"
  url: http://doesntmatter

Then I start but I get

Factory method 's3Client' threw exception with message: Failed to initialize S3 bucket

This makes sense as the url doesn't exist so I would like to use testharness. I set it up with...

    fun localStackContainer(): LocalStackContainer {
        val localStack = LocalStackContainer(DockerImageName.parse("localstack/localstack:latest"))
        return localStack

    fun s3Client(localStack: LocalStackContainer): S3Client {
        return S3Client.builder()
                    AwsBasicCredentials.create(localStack.accessKey, localStack.secretKey)

but once I do this I still get....

Caused by: software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: doesntmatter

What url am I supposed to use and how do I set it as an application property?

Is there a better option? I don't need anything robust like a functioning test harness, just a mock proxying the s3 endpoint would be fine but I can't get that working either.



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