
rust - How to insert a Wireframe component into an entities component - Stack Overflow


Using bevy 0.15

I'm trying to add a wireframe visualization to selected entities in Bevy. My system attempts to modify a _wireframe field in the Controllable component when an entity is selected, but I'm getting compilation errors due to reference mutability issues. Here's the problematic code:

struct Controllable {
    //root: SceneRoot,
    _mesh: MeshMaterial3d<StandardMaterial>,
    _collider: Collider,
    _transform: Transform,
    _rapier_pickable: RapierPickable,
    _wireframe: Option<Wireframe>,

spawning the entity:

let mut click_observer = Observer::new(on_click_controllable);
    let mut entity = commands
            Controllable {
                _mesh: MeshMaterial3d(debug_material.clone()),
                _collider: Collider::cuboid(2.5, 0.01, 2.5),
                _transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 3.0),
                _rapier_pickable: RapierPickable,
                _wireframe: None,
        move |trigger: Trigger<Pointer<Click>>, mut commands: Commands| {
            println!("before: {:?}", entity);
            if let Some(mut entity_commands) = commands.get_entity(entity) {
                //insert selected components so that we can query for other
                //components of the entity when needed
            } else {
                // Handle the case where the entity no longer exists
                println!("Entity no longer exists!");


fn wireframe_entities(mut query: Query<(&Selected, &Controllable)>, commands: Commands) {
    for e in query.iter() {
        if let (_, mut controllable) = e {
            controllable._wireframe = Some(Wireframe);

This runs but does not show the wireframe. The Selected component shows up on click, and the query also executes on the entity.

I think I am missing something with the overall architecture and I'm trying to do something I am not supposed to. How do I make a wireframe show up when I click on an entity. This should not be that hard??

I've tried to add it directly to the entity using EntityCommands but nothing shows up, I thibnk because I need to add it to Controllable because that is where the mesh is:

fn on_click_controllable(click: Trigger<Pointer<Click>>, mut commands: Commands) {
    //let id = click.entity().id();

    println!("{} was clicked", click.entity());

I've tried getting the EntityEntryCommands but it only inserts the default Controllable and I can't pass in Wireframe.



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