
rfc - RFC3711, libsrtp and srtp_kdf_generate - Stack Overflow


- in srtp.c we have a method:

static srtp_err_status_t srtp_kdf_generate(srtp_kdf_t *kdf,                                          srtp_prf_label label, uint8_t *key, unsigned int length)
    srtp_err_status_t status;
    v128_t nonce;

    /* set eigth octet of nonce to <label>, set the rest of it to zero */
    nonce.v8[7] = label;

In RFC 3711 () section 4.3.1 it says the packet index is 48-bits ROC, i.e. 6 bytes. So for SRTP the method works fine by putting the label at position 7 (the salt is 14 bytes; the nonce has 16 byte positions; indexed from 0):

|                    salt                 |
                        |  index DIV kdr  |

For SRTCP section 4.3.2 says: Replace the SRTP index by the 32-bit quantity: 0 || SRTCP index (=4 bytes) index DIV kdr for rtcp is 4 bytes. Therefore the label must be put at position 9 in the nonce value.

|                    salt                 |

Does this now imply that the libsrtp from Cisco contains a bug or is not fully RFC3711 compliant? Does nobody run into problem with this issue in more as 20 years time?



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