I'm working with Lightweight-charts by TradingView and want to create a custom plugin that fills the area between two series of Exponential Moving Average.
I know that the Lightweigh-charts does not natively support area fills between two different lines, but I assume this could be done using a plugin.
My Goals:
Plot two EMA series (e.g., EMA 50 and EMA 60).
Fill the area between them with a transparent color with different coloring based on the position of one EMA relative to the other.
Ensure the fill dynamically updates as new data arrives.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to navigate through the various sections of the documentation, but I’m not sure how to achieve this. I hope there's already a solution rather than having to implement a plugin from scratch. But if that's the case, I'm ready to give it a try.
I'm working with Lightweight-charts by TradingView and want to create a custom plugin that fills the area between two series of Exponential Moving Average.
I know that the Lightweigh-charts does not natively support area fills between two different lines, but I assume this could be done using a plugin.
My Goals:
Plot two EMA series (e.g., EMA 50 and EMA 60).
Fill the area between them with a transparent color with different coloring based on the position of one EMA relative to the other.
Ensure the fill dynamically updates as new data arrives.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to navigate through the various sections of the documentation, but I’m not sure how to achieve this. I hope there's already a solution rather than having to implement a plugin from scratch. But if that's the case, I'm ready to give it a try.
Share Improve this question asked Feb 3 at 14:45 Core EvilCore Evil 112 bronze badges1 Answer
Reset to default 0Take a look at this plugin I built for lightweight-charts-python ( https://github/EsIstJosh/lightweight-charts-python) , you can probably do some minor adjustments to get it to work using normal lightweight-charts :
import { IPrimitivePaneRenderer, Coordinate, IPrimitivePaneView, Time, ISeriesPrimitive, SeriesAttachedParameter, DataChangedScope, SeriesDataItemTypeMap, SeriesType, Logical, AutoscaleInfo, BarData, LineData, ISeriesApi, PrimitivePaneViewZOrder } from "lightweight-charts";
import { PluginBase } from "../plugin-base";
import { setOpacity } from "../helpers/colors";
import { ClosestTimeIndexFinder } from '../helpers/closest-index';
import { hasColorOption } from "../helpers/typeguards";
export class FillArea extends PluginBase implements ISeriesPrimitive<Time> {
static type = "Fill Area"; // Explicitly set the type name
_paneViews: FillAreaPaneView[];
_originSeries: ISeriesApi<SeriesType>;
_destinationSeries: ISeriesApi<SeriesType>;
_bandsData: BandData[] = [];
options: Required<FillAreaOptions>;
_timeIndices: ClosestTimeIndexFinder<{ time: number }>;
originSeries: ISeriesApi<SeriesType>,
destinationSeries: ISeriesApi<SeriesType>,
options: FillAreaOptions
) {
// Existing logic for setting colors
const defaultOriginColor = setOpacity('#0000FF', 0.25); // Blue
const defaultDestinationColor = setOpacity('#FF0000', 0.25); // Red
const originSeriesColor = hasColorOption(originSeries)
? setOpacity((originSeries.options() as any).lineColor || defaultOriginColor, 0.3)
: setOpacity(defaultOriginColor, 0.3);
const destinationSeriesColor = hasColorOption(destinationSeries)
? setOpacity((destinationSeries.options() as any).lineColor || defaultDestinationColor, 0.3)
: setOpacity(defaultDestinationColor, 0.3);
this.options = {
originColor: options.originColor ?? originSeriesColor,
destinationColor: options.destinationColor ?? destinationSeriesColor,
this._paneViews = [new FillAreaPaneView(this)];
this._timeIndices = new ClosestTimeIndexFinder([]);
this._originSeries = originSeries;
this._destinationSeries = destinationSeries;
// Subscribe to data changes in both series
this._originSeries.subscribeDataChanged(() => {
console.log("Origin series data has changed. Recalculating bands.");
this._destinationSeries.subscribeDataChanged(() => {
console.log("Destination series data has changed. Recalculating bands.");
updateAllViews() {
this._paneViews.forEach(pw => pw.update());
applyOptions(options: Partial<FillAreaOptions>) {
this.options = {
console.log("FillArea options updated:", this.options);
paneViews() {
return this._paneViews;
attached(p: SeriesAttachedParameter<Time>): void {
dataUpdated(scope: DataChangedScope) {
if (scope === 'full') {
const originData = this._originSeries.data();
this._timeIndices = new ClosestTimeIndexFinder(
[...originData] as { time: number }[]
calculateBands() {
const originData = this._originSeries.data();
const destinationData = this._destinationSeries.data();
// Ensure both datasets have the same length
const alignedData = this._alignDataLengths([...originData], [...destinationData]);
const bandData: BandData[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < alignedData.origin.length; i++) {
let points = extractPrices(alignedData.origin[i],alignedData.destination[i]);
if (points?.originValue === undefined || points?.destinationValue === undefined) continue;
// Determine which series is upper and lower
const upper = Math.max(points?.originValue, points?.destinationValue);
const lower = Math.min(points?.originValue, points?.destinationValue);
time: alignedData.origin[i].time,
origin: points?.originValue,
destination: points?.destinationValue,
this._bandsData = bandData;
originData: SeriesDataItemTypeMap[SeriesType][],
destinationData: SeriesDataItemTypeMap[SeriesType][]
): { origin: SeriesDataItemTypeMap[SeriesType][], destination: SeriesDataItemTypeMap[SeriesType][] } {
const originLength = originData.length;
const destinationLength = destinationData.length;
if (originLength > destinationLength) {
const lastKnown = destinationData[destinationLength - 1];
while (destinationData.length < originLength) {
destinationData.push({ ...lastKnown });
} else if (destinationLength > originLength) {
const lastKnown = originData[originLength - 1];
while (originData.length < destinationLength) {
originData.push({ ...lastKnown });
return { origin: originData, destination: destinationData };
autoscaleInfo(startTimePoint: Logical, endTimePoint: Logical): AutoscaleInfo {
const ts = this.chart.timeScale();
const startTime = (ts.coordinateToTime(
ts.logicalToCoordinate(startTimePoint) ?? 0
) ?? 0) as number;
const endTime = (ts.coordinateToTime(
ts.logicalToCoordinate(endTimePoint) ?? 5000000000
) ?? 5000000000) as number;
const startIndex = this._timeIndices.findClosestIndex(startTime, 'left');
const endIndex = this._timeIndices.findClosestIndex(endTime, 'right');
const range = {
minValue: Math.min(...this._bandsData.map(b => b.lower).slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1)),
maxValue: Math.max(...this._bandsData.map(b => b.upper).slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1)),
return {
priceRange: {
minValue: range.minValue,
maxValue: range.maxValue,
class FillAreaPaneRenderer implements IPrimitivePaneRenderer {
_viewData: BandViewData;
_options: FillAreaOptions;
constructor(data: BandViewData) {
this._viewData = data;
this._options = data.options;
draw() {}
drawBackground(target: CanvasRenderingTarget2D) {
const points: BandRendererData[] = this._viewData.data;
const options = this._options;
if (points.length < 2) return; // Ensure there are enough points to draw
target.useBitmapCoordinateSpace((scope) => {
const ctx = scope.context;
ctx.scale(scope.horizontalPixelRatio, scope.verticalPixelRatio);
let currentPathStarted = false;
let startIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {
const current = points[i];
const next = points[i + 1];
if (!currentPathStarted || current.isOriginAbove !== points[i - 1]?.isOriginAbove) {
if (currentPathStarted) {
for (let j = i - 1; j >= startIndex; j--) {
ctx.lineTo(points[j].x, points[j].destination);
ctx.moveTo(current.x, current.origin);
ctx.fillStyle = current.isOriginAbove
? options.originColor || 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' // Default to transparent if null
: options.destinationColor || 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'; // Default to transparent if null
startIndex = i;
currentPathStarted = true;
ctx.lineTo(next.x, next.origin);
if (i === points.length - 2 || next.isOriginAbove !== current.isOriginAbove) {
for (let j = i + 1; j >= startIndex; j--) {
ctx.lineTo(points[j].x, points[j].destination);
currentPathStarted = false;
if (options.lineWidth) {
ctx.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = options.originColor || 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
class FillAreaPaneView implements IPrimitivePaneView {
_source: FillArea;
_data: BandViewData;
constructor(source: FillArea) {
this._source = source;
this._data = {
data: [],
options: this._source.options, // Pass the options for the renderer
update() {
const timeScale = this._source.chart.timeScale();
this._data.data = this._source._bandsData.map((d) => ({
x: timeScale.timeToCoordinate(d.time)!,
origin: this._source._originSeries.priceToCoordinate(d.origin)!,
destination: this._source._destinationSeries.priceToCoordinate(d.destination)!,
isOriginAbove: d.origin > d.destination,
// Ensure options are updated in the data
this._data.options = this._source.options;
renderer() {
return new FillAreaPaneRenderer(this._data);
zOrder() {
return 'bottom' as PrimitivePaneViewZOrder;
export interface FillAreaOptions {
originColor: string | null; // Color for origin on top
destinationColor: string | null;
lineWidth: number | null;
export const defaultFillAreaOptions: Required<FillAreaOptions> = {
originColor: null,
destinationColor: null,
lineWidth: null,
interface BandData {
time: Time;
origin: number; // Price value from the origin series
destination: number; // Price value from the destination series
upper: number; // The upper value for rendering
lower: number; // The lower value for rendering
interface BandViewData {
data: BandRendererData[];
options: Required<FillAreaOptions>;
interface BandRendererData {
x: Coordinate | number;
origin: Coordinate | number;
destination: Coordinate | number;
isOriginAbove: boolean; // True if the origin series is above the destination series
function extractPrices(
originPoint: SeriesDataItemTypeMap[SeriesType],
destinationPoint: SeriesDataItemTypeMap[SeriesType]
): {originValue: number| undefined, destinationValue: number| undefined} | undefined {
let originPrice: number | undefined;
let destinationPrice: number | undefined;
// Extract origin price
if ((originPoint as BarData).close !== undefined) {
const originBar = originPoint as BarData;
originPrice = originBar.close; // Use close price for comparison
} else if ((originPoint as LineData).value !== undefined) {
originPrice = (originPoint as LineData).value; // Use value for LineData
// Extract destination price
if ((destinationPoint as BarData).close !== undefined) {
const destinationBar = destinationPoint as BarData;
destinationPrice = destinationBar.close; // Use close price for comparison
} else if ((destinationPoint as LineData).value !== undefined) {
destinationPrice = (destinationPoint as LineData).value; // Use value for LineData
// Ensure both prices are defined
if (originPrice === undefined || destinationPrice === undefined) {
return undefined;
// Handle mixed types and determine the appropriate values to return
if (originPrice < destinationPrice) {
// origin > destination: min(open, close) for BarData (if applicable), otherwise value
const originValue =
(originPoint as BarData).close !== undefined
? Math.min((originPoint as BarData).open, (originPoint as BarData).close)
: originPrice;
const destinationValue =
(destinationPoint as BarData).close !== undefined
? Math.max((destinationPoint as BarData).open, (destinationPoint as BarData).close)
: destinationPrice;
return {originValue, destinationValue};
} else {
// origin <= destination: max(open, close) for BarData (if applicable), otherwise value
const originValue =
(originPoint as BarData).close !== undefined
? Math.max((originPoint as BarData).open, (originPoint as BarData).close)
: originPrice;
const destinationValue =
(destinationPoint as BarData).close !== undefined
? Math.min((destinationPoint as BarData).open, (destinationPoint as BarData).close)
: destinationPrice;
return {originValue, destinationValue};