App Info: Java 17 / Kafka Streams 3.4.0
I got this error in my logs:
2025-02-02 20:35:15.685 .apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler [ERROR] - [Consumer clientId=topic-cg-002417fe-5ce2-4bbc-ad2a-ed3ac0a4901c-StreamThread-4-consumer, groupId=topic-cg] Offset commit failed on partition topic-21 at offset 409115: The coordinator is not aware of this member.
I want to write a handler to catch these kind of errors and post the exception message, which is
Offset commit failed on partition topic-21 at offset 409115: The coordinator is not aware of this member
, to Dynatrace.
Question is not about posting to Dynatrace -- I have this figured out. But what's the best way to implement a handler for this? I was reading / and I don't think this is right for my usecase.