I have a datagrid and a class I wrote a class called HyperlinkLabel in the MainPage.cs file. I have the datagrid data bound to an observable collection in a view model. the problem that I have is the first column of the datagrid is blank is blank but all other fields are filled. here is my code.
<ContentPage xmlns=";
NavigationMode="Row" SortingMode="Single"
BackgroundColor="White" HeaderRowHeight="30"
HeaderGridLinesVisibility="Both" GridLinesVisibility="Both"
IsVisible="{Binding PwVisible}" MinimumHeightRequest="0"
ItemsSource="{Binding PswdGrp}">
MappingName="SiteAddr" HeaderText="Title"
HeaderTextAlignment="Center" Width="208">
Text="{Binding Title}" Url="{Binding SiteAddr}"
MappingName="UsrName" HeaderText="User Name"
HeaderTextAlignment="Center" Width="207"/>
MappingName="Passwrd" HeaderText="Password"
HeaderTextAlignment="Center" Width="206"/>
The class in the code-behind of the XAML file:
public partial class HyperlinkLabel : Label
public static readonly BindableProperty UrlProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Url),
typeof(string), typeof(HyperlinkLabel), null);
public string Url
get { return (string)GetValue(UrlProperty); }
set { SetValue(UrlProperty, value); }
public HyperlinkLabel()
TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline;
TextColor = Colors.Blue;
Padding = 10;
the view model that it is data-binded to:
public partial class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableCollection<PswdWthGrp> PswdGrp { get; set; } = [];
public List<PassWrds> PswrdData = [];
public List<Groups> GroupData = [];
public void PopPasswdWthGrpData()
var sets = ConnStr!.Table<LakSettings>().ToListAsync().Result;
var crypto = sets[0].PassKey;
if(PswdGrp.Count > 0)
// At this point the PswrdData and GroupData lists are already populated.
foreach (var grp in GroupData)
var query = from p in PswrdData
where p.GrpId == grp.Id
select new PswdWthGrp
Id = p.Id,
Title = p.Title!,
SiteAddr = p.SiteAddr!,
UsrName = p.UsrName!,
Passwrd = Laks.Decrypt(p.Passwrd!, crypto!),
GrpName = grp.GrpName,
Notes = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Notes) ? "X" : "")
foreach (var item in query)
So after I ran the program, and checked the Title and SiteAddr propertied in the DataTemplate section of the datagrid I get the message:
Member not found in data context 'MainViewModel'
So my question is how do I make the column show data when I know there is data in the two fields that the class is using?