
android - How to remove Company Portal user accounts using AccountManager programmatically? - Stack Overflow


I am writing instrumented tests for Android app. The app allows users to sign in using SSO with Intune MAM SDK, and this leads to work accounts being created. You can look them up in settings on the emulator in Passwords & Accounts section.

I need to remove these accounts before each test - I was trying to do that with the code below:

private fun ensureClearSettingsAccounts() {
    val manager = AccountManager.get(getApplicationContext())
    val accounts = manager.accounts

    accounts.map { account ->
        manager.removeAccount(account, null, null, null)

the problem with that is that it ONLY fetches Google accounts, it doesn't fetch any work accounts or accounts connected to Microsoft Company Portal. If I get and log accountManager.authenticatorTypes though, I can see that there are package names connected to existing work profiles created by CP like com.microsoft.workaccount, com.microsoft.workaccount.cp, com.microsoft.msa.cp.

How can I remove these accounts? The device is NOT rooted and cannot be rooted. Clearing packages through ADB doesn't work (add shell pm clear ). Applying some user permissions such as GET_DATA and stuff also don't change anything. The API version is 34.



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ok 不同模板 switch ($forum['model']) { /*case '0': include _include(APP_PATH . 'view/htm/read.htm'); break;*/ default: include _include(theme_load('read', $fid)); break; } } break; case '10': // 主题外链 / thread external link http_location(htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($thread['description']))); break; case '11': // 单页 / single page $attachlist = array(); $imagelist = array(); $thread['filelist'] = array(); $threadlist = NULL; $thread['files'] > 0 and list($attachlist, $imagelist, $thread['filelist']) = well_attach_find_by_tid($tid); $data = data_read_cache($tid); empty($data) and message(-1, lang('data_malformation')); $tidlist = $forum['threads'] ? page_find_by_fid($fid, $page, $pagesize) : NULL; if ($tidlist) { $tidarr = arrlist_values($tidlist, 'tid'); $threadlist = well_thread_find($tidarr, $pagesize); // 按之前tidlist排序 $threadlist = array2_sort_key($threadlist, $tidlist, 'tid'); } $allowpost = forum_access_user($fid, $gid, 'allowpost'); $allowupdate = forum_access_mod($fid, $gid, 'allowupdate'); $allowdelete = forum_access_mod($fid, $gid, 'allowdelete'); $access = array('allowpost' => $allowpost, 'allowupdate' => $allowupdate, 'allowdelete' => $allowdelete); $header['title'] = $thread['subject']; $header['mobile_link'] = $thread['url']; $header['keywords'] = $thread['keyword'] ? $thread['keyword'] : $thread['subject']; $header['description'] = $thread['description'] ? $thread['description'] : $thread['brief']; $_SESSION['fid'] = $fid; if ($ajax) { empty($conf['api_on']) and message(0, lang('closed')); $apilist['header'] = $header; $apilist['extra'] = $extra; $apilist['access'] = $access; $apilist['thread'] = well_thread_safe_info($thread); $apilist['thread_data'] = $data; $apilist['forum'] = $forum; $apilist['imagelist'] = $imagelist; $apilist['filelist'] = $thread['filelist']; $apilist['threadlist'] = $threadlist; message(0, $apilist); } else { include _include(theme_load('single_page', $fid)); } break; default: message(-1, lang('data_malformation')); break; } ?>