I have an ONVIF compliant camera and it generates metadata for each frame. I downloaded the ODM and I was able to see the metadata for each frame on the live feed. The main goal of mine is to download those events in any file format which can be later accessible. I tried several scripts but with no luck. The main error I was getting is with PullMessages, it seems like there is no PullMessages at all. I don't know may be I am doing something wrong. Any help would be much appreciated!!
from onvif import ONVIFCamera
import time
# Camera Connection Details
CAMERA_IP = "" # Replace with your camera's IP address
PORT = 80 # Default ONVIF port
USERNAME = "admin" # Replace with your camera's username
PASSWORD = "password" # Replace with your camera's password
WS_DIR = "/path/to/wsdl" # Path to ONVIF WSDL files
# Initialize ONVIF Camera
# Create the Event Service
event_service = camera.create_events_service()
# Create PullPoint Subscription
pullpoint = event_service.CreatePullPointSubscription()
# Retrieve the Subscription Reference
subscription_reference = pullpoint.SubscriptionReference
# Create the PullPoint Service
pullpoint_service = camera.create_pullpoint_service()
# Function to Pull and Process Messages
def pull_messages():
while True:
# Set Synchronization Point
# Create PullMessages request
req = pullpoint_service.create_type('PullMessages')
req.Timeout = 'PT10S' # Timeout set to 10 seconds
req.MessageLimit = 10 # Limit to 10 messages per pull
# Pull messages
response = pullpoint_service.PullMessages(req)
# Process received messages
if response.NotificationMessage:
for msg in response.NotificationMessage:
# Extract and print message details
print(f"Message: {msg}")
print("No new messages.")
# Wait before next pull
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
# Start pulling messages
# Unsubscribe when done
After running this script the error which I am getting is:
raise exceptions.LookupError(
zeep.exceptions.LookupError: No element 'PullMessages' in namespace . Available elements are: -