I am trying to change the filename and the alt attribute of a file using GraphQL, but Shopify responds that the image is pending.
This is my Ruby code to update a product with id gid://shopify/MediaImage/62897652531549
I want to change filename and alt attribute
client = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Graphql::Admin.new(session: ShopifyAPI::Context.active_session)
query = <<~QUERY
mutation fileUpdate($input: [FileUpdateInput!]!) {
fileUpdate(files: $input) {
files {
... on MediaImage {
image {
userErrors {
variables = {
"input": {
"id": "gid://shopify/MediaImage/62897652531549",
"filename": "name.jpg",
alt: "name"
response = client.query(query: query, variables: variables)
pp response
{"files"=>nil, "userErrors"=>[{"message"=>"File id 62897652531549 has a pending operation."}]}}
I can’t understand how to change the image status and why it has operations in pending mode.
I dont’ find any information online about this problem and how to see the operations in pending mode on my file