
reactjs - react app, different commits in different chrome accounts - Stack Overflow


after I pushed last commit to the production branch, not all chrome accounts were showing the last build. I have three google accounts, for two of them, there was the last build in the browser, however, in the google account where the app was open before the final push, the build was corresponding to the previous commit. The only thing I write to local storage is authantication token, no other type of browser storage is used in any way. Clearing local storage, cookies did not help by itself. I got the new build after several page refreshes. It took several page refreshes, and deleting evrething from all kinds of browser storage before I saw the last build. Another thing is that if I open the same app locally in chrome in the problematic google account, everything works just fine. It's production url that gives that problem. What could be possible cause of that?



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