
adafruit circuitpython - Unable to set line 4 to input DHT22 in Raspberry pi 5 - Stack Overflow


im creating a weather station using bmp180 and dht22, the bmp180 works. However, the dht22 gives me problems, mainly the "Unable to set line 4 to input" problem. At first I can run it once after reboot, but now i cant even run it anymore even if a reboot it, i even did a fresh start by formating my pi OS.

import adafruit_dht as dht
import bmp180 as bmp
import board
import signal
import sys
import time

dhtSensor = dht.DHT22(board.D4)
bmpSensor = bmp.BMP180(board.I2C())

def exitHandle(signal, frame):

def readSensor():
    humid = dhtSensor.humidity
    temp = dhtSensor.temperature
    pressure = bmpSensor.pressure
    if humid is not None and temp is not None:
        print(f"Humidity: {humid:.2f}%")
        print(f"Temperature: {temp:.2f}C")
        print(f"Pressure: {pressure/100:.2f}")
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exitHandle)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exitHandle)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

that is my code, i saw in other forums that it is a problem with the looping, that it doesn't properly deinitialize the GPIO, however it doesnt work for me, because I cant even run it once for it to get to the deinitialization (dhtSensor.exit()).

Keyboard interrupt only works on CTRL+C so i also wanted it to deinit on termination via thonny, so i tried the signal lib, which chatGpt helped me with, but it dont work.

def exitHandle(signal, frame):

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exitHandle)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exitHandle)

Im still very new to this, and I dont know what to do at this point.

PS: everything is updated, all on latest versions (maybe that could be the reason)

I tried killing libgpiod processes but it still did not work. I looked for alternative libraries however, the Adafruit_DHT lib has no support for Pi 5(based on my extensive research) maybe there is out there but I just cant find it.

I also tried pydht2 but it has no documentation so i really dont know how to use it



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