Without an IDE, I can log in to an HPC interactive node by first sshing in to the server using:
ssh servername
Then I request an interactive node using
qrsh # Sun Grid Engine
# OR
qsub -I # Slurm
I would like to do this with VS Code.
what has worked:
I have successfully used VS Code Remote+SSH extension for the first step, and this gets me to the head node. But the head node is only for very light work. I would like to access the interactive node.
I’ve previously used to Emacs tramp’s multi-hop approach for accessing interactive nodes on HPC clusters. In tramp, I can configure a custom method (e.g., “qsub”) that first SSHs into the head node and then runs a command like qsub -I
or qrsh
to allocate an interactive compute node.
The Emacs configuration (from this Emacs SE answer) looks like this:
(add-to-list 'tramp-methods
(tramp-login-program "qsub")
(tramp-login-args (("-I")))
Is there an equivalent way to do this in VS Code? Specifically, is there a way to configure the Remote-SSH extension to first connect to the head node and then automatically run qrsh (or another interactive session command) to request and eventually open a compute node?
If this is not directly supported, are there any recommended workarounds, SSH configurations, or extensions that can handle this use case?