
velo - Issue with Y-Axis Ticks in Chart.js (v4.4.7) - Stack Overflow


I'm working on a project using Chart.js version 4.4.7, and I'm encountering an issue with the y-axis ticks. I want to replace numeric tick values (like 20, 40, 60, 80) with custom labels (e.g., "Low", "Medium", "High"). However, the chart fails to render properly when I use the ticks.callback function to modify the labels. I’ve tried various configurations but the issue persists, preventing the graph from displaying correctly. Has anyone faced a similar issue or found a solution?

Here is the code in the HTML-Element: `

<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>

<script src=".js"></script>

  const context1 = document.getElementById('myChart');
     window.onmessage = (event) => {
     if (event.data.chart) {
       console.log(`Chart ${event.data.chart}`);
       // additional code here
function createChart1(chart){
  new Chart(context1, chart) 


async function createGraphData(group, values, labels) {
    try {
        const graphData = group.map(key => ({
            label: labels[key],
            value: values[key] || 0,


        console.log("Graph Data Prepared for Chart:", graphData);

        const config = {
            //type: 'line',
            data: {
                labels: graphData.map(item => item.label),

                datasets: [{
                        label: 'Mittelwert',
                        type: 'line',
                        data: [
                            50, 50, 50, 50, 50
                        //backgroundColor: [
                        //   'rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.5)',

                        //hoverBackgroundColor: [
                        //    'rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.8)',


                        pointStyle: 'dash',
                        pointRadius: 8,
                        pointHoverRadius: 12,
                        showLine: true,
                        borderDash: [10, 10],
                        borderWidth: 3,
                        borderColor: 'rgba(102, 102, 102, 1)',

                        label: 'Ergebnis',
                        type: 'bar',
                        data: graphData.map(item => item.value),
                        backgroundColor: [
                            'rgba(250, 183, 36, 1)',
                            'rgba(39, 153, 137, 1)',
                            'rgba(210, 49, 138, 1)',
                            'rgba(120, 51, 209, 1)',
                            'rgba(19, 162, 221, 1)'
                        hoverBackgroundColor: [
                            'rgba(250, 183, 36, 1)',
                            'rgba(39, 153, 137, 1)',
                            'rgba(210, 49, 138, 1)',
                            'rgba(120, 51, 209, 1)',
                            'rgba(19, 162, 221, 1)'

            options: {
                responsive: true,

                plugins: {
                    legend: {
                        display: false,


                scales: {
                    x: {
                        ticks: {
                            font: {
                                size: 16, // Tick font size
                                family: "Helvetica", // Custom font
                                // weight: "bold"
                        grid: {
                            drawOnChartArea: false
                    y: {
                        ticks: {
                            stepSize: 10, // Ensures only specified values appear

// Here lies the problem, apparently ——————————————————————————
// ——————————————————— > ———————————————————-

                            formatter: function (value) {
                            console.log("Callback executed. Tick value:", value);
                                const labels = {
                                    0: 'Very Low',
                                    20: 'Neutral',
                                    30: 'High',
                                    40: 'Higher',
                                    80: 'Very High'
                                return labels[value] || "";

                            // Show label or empty if not in the list
                            // Custom Labels (Change numbers to text)
                            callback: function (value) {
                                const labels = {
                                    20: "Low",
                                    30: "Low+",
                                    40: "Medium-Low",
                                    50: "Medium",
                                    60: "Medium-High",
                                    70: "High-",
                                    80: "High"
                                return labels[value] || value; // Use label if exists, otherwise keep number
                            // Formatting Numbers
                            precision: 0, // No decimal places
                            beginAtZero: false, // If you want to start from min value (20 instead of 0)
                            // Font & Appearance
                            // color: "#222", // Tick color
                            font: {
                                size: 16, // Tick font size
                                family: "Helvetica", // Custom font
                                // weight: "bold"
                            // Padding & Spacing
                            padding: 10, // Space between ticks and axis
                            z: 1, // Ensure ticks appear above grid lines
                            // Display Control
                            display: true, // Show or hide ticks
                            autoSkip: false, // Prevent skipping of labels
                            // maxTicksLimit: 3 // Maximum number of ticks displayed


        console.log("Chart Configuration:", config);
        return config;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error in createGraphData:", error.message, error.stack);
        throw error; // Re-throw error if critical

I tried to change the version to another version of charts.js. and i tried to hardcode the ticks, and do it with a callback function. I even tried to rename the callback with formatter.

I am using WIX-Velo code. and i am not sure, why it isn't work. I need some help.



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