
plugins - Map a custom id to wordpress post id


I am new to Wordpress and wondering what the best way might be to go about doing this. We have a requirement to map our own id (known as friendly_id) to the Wordpress's post id. The idea is to import a post in a different format to Wordpress so it can be edited in Wordpress. This is all on the backend.

So, lets say if a wp-admin post url comes in as /wp-admin/post.php?friendly_id=5&action=edit

I would like to map this to


  1. Is there a Wordpress hook that might be suited to achieve this? I have tried looking into pre_get_posts, query_vars hooks without much luck.
  2. I am thinking of storing the mapping of friendly_id to post_id in the mysql database. If there is such a hook, can it access the database to retrieve this mapping?

Thanks in advance.



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