Your question should be specific to WordPress. Generic PHP/JS/SQL/HTML/CSS questions might be better asked at Stack Overflow or another appropriate Stack Exchange network site. Third-party plugins and themes are off-topic for this site; they are better asked about at their developers' support routes.
Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this questionI am making an plugin, and inside my admin page (Which i add by add_menu_page()
function) i call this function pll_the_languages(["raw" => 1]))
but its return nothing,on client side its work fine.
I added many languages on Polylang setting page.
How can i get Polylang available languages from an admin page ?
Your question should be specific to WordPress. Generic PHP/JS/SQL/HTML/CSS questions might be better asked at Stack Overflow or another appropriate Stack Exchange network site. Third-party plugins and themes are off-topic for this site; they are better asked about at their developers' support routes.
Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this questionI am making an plugin, and inside my admin page (Which i add by add_menu_page()
function) i call this function pll_the_languages(["raw" => 1]))
but its return nothing,on client side its work fine.
I added many languages on Polylang setting page.
How can i get Polylang available languages from an admin page ?
3 Answers
Reset to default 6According to Polylangs Function Reference, pll_the_languages
Displays a language switcher.
And most probably it uses some additional CSS/JS to work. If you want to get the list of languages and display them with your custom code, then you can use this function instead:
and it will return the list of languages.
$args is an optional array parameter. Options are:
- ‘hide_empty’ => hides languages with no posts if set to 1 (default: 0)
- ‘fields’ => returns only that field if set. Possible values are ‘slug’, ‘locale’, ‘name’, defaults to ‘slug’
You can get an array with the language details using the following call:
if (function_exists('pll_languages_list')) {
return pll_languages_list(array('fields' => array()));
The result is an array which you can play with to your liking...
term_id: 19,
name: "English",
slug: "en",
term_group: 0,
term_taxonomy_id: 19,
taxonomy: "language",
description: "en_US",
parent: 0,
count: 149,
tl_term_id: 20,
tl_term_taxonomy_id: 20,
tl_count: 35,
locale: "en_US",
is_rtl: 0,
w3c: "en-US",
facebook: "en_US",
flag_url: "http://***********.one/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/us.png",
flag: "<img src="" title="English" alt="English" width="16" height="11" style="width: 16px; height: 11px;" />",
home_url: "http://**********.one/en/front-page-2/",
search_url: "http://*********.one/en/",
host: null,
mo_id: "1716",
page_on_front: 2560,
page_for_posts: 499,
filter: "raw",
flag_code: "us"
Polylang offers the function pll_languages_list()
but note this will return only one type of value slug
You can use get_terms
to query all languages with the name and slug included.
get_terms( 'term_language', [ 'hide_empty' => false ] );
if (isset($GLOBALS["polylang"])) { $arrayLanguages = $GLOBALS["polylang"]->model->get_languages_list(); }
– mmm Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 21:34