I’m using Quill.js and need to:
- Make "small" the default text size when the editor loads.
- Ensure the text size persists when the user types.
- Keep the selected size after pressing Enter (right now, it resets to "normal" instead of keeping the selected size).
- The editor starts with "small" ✅.
- If the user selects another size, it works while typing ✅.
- When the user presses Enter, the new line always switches to "normal" ❌ instead of keeping the selected size.
- The toolbar still shows the previously selected size, but newly typed text is actually "normal."
<div class="col-12">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="editor-container-ar">Content Arabic
<span class="required" style="color: red">*</span></label>
<div id="editor-container-ar" style="height: 300px;"
class="ql-container flex-snow"></div> </div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function() {
var contentInput = document.getElementById('contentAr');
// Initialize Quill editor
var quillAr = new Quill('#editor-container-ar', {
theme : 'snow',
modules : {
toolbar : [
[ {
'font' : []
} ],
[ {
'size' : [ 'small', 'normal', 'large',
'huge' ]
} ],
[ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline',
'strike' ], [ {
'color' : []
}, {
'background' : []
} ], [ {
'script' : 'sub'
}, {
'script' : 'super'
} ], [ {
'header' : 1
}, {
'header' : 2
} ], [ 'blockquote', 'code-block' ],
[ {
'list' : 'ordered'
}, {
'list' : 'bullet'
} ], [ {
'indent' : '-1'
}, {
'indent' : '+1'
} ], [ {
'direction' : 'rtl'
} ], [ {
'align' : []
} ], [ 'link', 'image', 'video' ],
[ 'clean' ] ]
let userSelectedSize = 'small'; // Track the user’s selected size
// ✅ Force "Small" as the default size on load
setTimeout(function () {
let editorContent = quillAr.root.innerHTML.trim();
console.log('Editor content:', editorContent);
if (editorContent === "<p><br></p>") {
quillAr.root.innerHTML = '<p><span class="ql-size-small"><br></span></p>'; // Ensure small visually
quillAr.format('size', 'small'); // Make sure new text starts as "small"
}, 100);
// ✅ Detect when the user selects a size
quillAr.on('selection-change', function (range) {
console.log('Selection changed:', range);
if (range) {
let format = quillAr.getFormat(range);
console.log('Format:', format);
userSelectedSize = format.size !== undefined ? format.size : 'normal'; // Store user-selected size
// ✅ Ensure newly typed text follows the selected size
quillAr.on('text-change', function (delta, oldDelta, source) {
console.log('Text changed:', delta, 'Source:', source);
if (source === 'user') {
let format = quillAr.getFormat();
console.log('Current format:', format, 'User selected size:', userSelectedSize);
if (!format.size || format.size !== userSelectedSize) {
quillAr.format('size', userSelectedSize); // Apply user-selected size
// ✅ Keep the selected size when pressing Enter
quillAr.keyboard.addBinding({ key: 'Enter' }, function (range) {
setTimeout(() => {
let newSize = userSelectedSize || 'small'; // Ensure we have a size
// Move cursor to the new line and apply formatting
quillAr.formatText(range.index, 1, 'size', newSize);
console.log('New line formatted to:', newSize);
}, 0);
// ✅ Force "Small" to always use <span>
quillAr.clipboard.addMatcher(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, function (node, delta) {
console.log('Pasted content:', node, delta);
delta.ops.forEach(op => {
if (op.attributes && !op.attributes.size) {
console.log('Applying small size to:', op);
op.attributes.size = 'small'; // Ensure "small" gets a <span>
return delta;
- Even with this code, pressing Enter resets the text to "normal" instead of keeping the selected size.
- The toolbar still shows the correct size, but the actual text formatting is reset.