
powerbi - Power BI Calculate a date less x working days - Stack Overflow


I have a material expiry date column, and a qty column that represents the lead-time (days) to reorder the material.

I would like to create a report that calculates the date that the material should be reviewed. The review date is the expiry date less the (lead-time + 14 days) however, this needs to be calculated as working days, e.g.

  • Expiry date = 09/05/2025
  • Lead-time = 7 (days)
  • Additional Leadtime (being time required for review) = 14 (days)
  • Note: 05/05/2025 is a bank holiday

Review Date needs to calculate as; Expiry Date less (Lead-Time + 14 days + 1 non-working day). Therefore resulting Review Date should be 17/04/2025.

I have a table that lists non-working days, and I created a DAX calendar table with a 'Is Working Day' TRUE/FALSE statement but, don't know how to create the required date calculation. All my search results lead me to a NETWORKDAY calculation giving working days between 2 dates, whereas I want to be able to work back from a date.

I think I'm missing something simple but, any help would be appreciated.



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