So I have this project with React 19 and typescript and am using Webpack to compile my code. I have successfully added react to pop-up, but I have problems when I compile my content script (overview.tsx) to inject some elements into the page.
Note: when I remove react code from the script and put some console.log I see that in the console, if I put console log after react import I don't see it,
I'm using ts-loader for tsx files, I even tried babel-loader with but it's the same. Also when I run build I get IIFE around my module
Note 2: I tried chrome.scripting.executeScript and it's returning positive but nothing happened, i also added permission to manifest for scripting and tabs
Changed loaders for my ts/tsx fiels -> same result
added all permission -> same result
tried to inject from background script -> same result
Edit: I have fixed this, in my webpack.config i had section for optimization and inside i had object
splitChunks: {chunks: "all"}
and i changed it to:
splitChunks: {
chunks(chunk) {
// exclude react content script from split chunks
return !["overview"].includes(;
}, ...