I'm trying to setup mikro-orm with nextauth follwing this guide on the nextauth official documentation, but i got typescript errors saying this:
Property 'email' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.ts(2564)
'Session' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof Session'?ts(2749)
'Account' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof Account'?ts(2749)
the first error says that I need to give email either default value or assigned it on the constructor wish is something i do not want to do forcibly.
the second and third are the same, even tho when I did what I got suggested wish is adding typeof
. I got new error:
Property 'sessions' in type 'User' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'User'.
Type 'Collection<typeof Session, object>' is not assignable to type 'Collection<Session, object>'.
Types of property 'loadCount' are incompatible.
I got a really long error that I cannot show here.
this is my current implementation for now with what I typed I did:
import config from "@/config/mikro-orm.config"
import {
} from "@mikro-orm/core"
import { defaultEntities } from "@auth/mikro-orm-adapter"
import { randomUUID } from "crypto"
const type { Account, Session } = defaultEntities
export class User implements defaultEntities.User {
id: string = randomUUID()
@Property({ nullable: true })
name?: string
@Property({ nullable: true })
email: string
@Property({ type: "Date", nullable: true })
emailVerified: Date | null = null
@Property({ nullable: true })
image?: string
entity: () => Session,
mappedBy: (session) => session.user,
hidden: true,
orphanRemoval: true,
cascade: [Cascade.ALL],
sessions = new Collection<typeof Session>(this)
entity: () => Account,
mappedBy: (account) => account.user,
hidden: true,
orphanRemoval: true,
cascade: [Cascade.ALL],
accounts = new Collection<typeof Account>(this)
@Enum({ hidden: true })
role = "ADMIN"
export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
adapter: MikroOrmAdapter(config, { entities: { User } }),
this is my config file if anyone asks:
import { Options } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import { defaultEntities } from '@auth/mikro-orm-adapter';
const config: Options = {
entities: [...Object.values(defaultEntities)],
export default config;