
node.js - Nuxt3 Nitro keeps disconnecting mysql connection - Stack Overflow


I've had a problem with Nuxt3 for some time, or more precisely with Nitro built into it. I'm using the experimental "database" option and I'm using mysql2 as a connector. The problem is that after some time of inactivity on the site, it disconnects the connection to the database and the only thing I have in the logs is this: [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Can't add new command when connection is in closed state

This is what my nuxt.config.ts file looks like:

import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { dirname, resolve } from 'path';

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  css: [
  ssr: true,
  app: {
    baseURL: "/",
  compatibilityDate: "2024-11-01",
  devtools: { enabled: true },
  modules: [
  nitro: {
    experimental: {
      database: true
    database: {
      default: {
        connector: 'mysql2',
        options: {
          database: process.env.NUXT_MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME,
          user: process.env.NUXT_MYSQL_USER,
          password: process.env.NUXT_MYSQL_PASSWORD,
          host: process.env.NUXT_MYSQL_HOST,
          port: process.env.NUXT_MYSQL_PORT,
          waitForConnections: true,
          connectionLimit: 10,
          queueLimit: 0,
          enableKeepAlive: true,
    storage: {
      db: {
        driver: 'fs',
        base: resolve(__dirname, '.cache/db')


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