SVG sprite icon not showing when I deployed the web app. On the console when you inspect, they are there, but not showing, I noticed the svg icon has its height x width = 0x0. I don't experience this problem when working on the code editor.
I tested the dist folder, for the build via live-server in VS Code. The svg does not show for build. I also have an image that doesn’t show, same as the svg. Both are located in the same image folder as the svg sprite. It behaves like it is a path problem, like the location is empty but it can't be, because my logo from the same folder loads. It could also be the bundler I use, Parcel.
icon not showing with height x width = 0x0
a generic image should load when API image is N/A
My app is a single page application built with Javascript-modules, html, sass and parcel. I imported the svg sprite and a jpg image from the img folder. The html for each render is written with Javascript
import icons from "url:../../img/sprite.svg";
import poster from "url:../../img/background/generic-poster.jpg";
The script for my package.json looks like this, maybe there is something wrong with the build process
"scripts": {
"clean:output": "rimraf dist",
"start": "parcel index.html",
"build": "parcel build index.html --dist-dir ./dist"
My home page isn't written in JavaScript and it still has the same problem of icon not showing.
<header class="header">
<a class="header__logo--link"><img src="src/img/popcorn-2.png" class="header__logo" alt="logo" />
<form class="search">
<input type="text" class="search__field" placeholder="Your movie awaits..." />
<button class="btn btn--search">
<div class="svg__icon-box">
<svg class="svg__icon svg__icon--search">
<use href="src/img/sprite.svg#icon-search"></use>
<button class="btn btn--watchlist">
<div class="svg__icon-box">
<svg class="svg__icon svg__icon--bookmarks">
<use href="src/img/sprite.svg#icon-bookmarks1"></use>