
amazon web services - How do I get this Elasticsearch cluster to form correctly - Stack Overflow


I’m trying to get an ES cluster working with a cloud formation. I have it all up and running but the cluster is not forming correctly.

This is the error that I’m getting:

{"@timestamp":"2025-02-14T22:02:57.598Z", "log.level": "INFO", "message":"close connection exception caught on transport layer [Netty4TcpChannel{localAddress=/, remoteAddress=es02.elasticsearch.local/, profile=default}], disconnecting from relevant node: Connection reset", "ecs.version": "1.2.0","service.name":"ES_ECS","event.dataset":"elasticsearch.server","process.thread.name":"elasticsearch[es01][transport_worker][T#1]","log.logger":".elasticsearch.transport.TcpTransport","elasticsearch.node.name":"es01","elasticsearch.cluster.name":"docker-cluster”}

This is the template that I am using. You just need to provide the PrivateSubnetIds, PublicSubnetIds and ECSTaskExecutionRoleArn


Any ideas?



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