
pine script - Creating alertconditions when crossing Lowest and Highest - Stack Overflow


I am trying to create alertconditions whenever the Percentage change crossover %1.5 or crossunder -%1.5

So far i have used these conditions but its giving me undeclared identifier error,

alertcondition(high_change[1] < 1.5 and high_change >= 1.5, 'HIGH', 'Crossover')

alertcondition(low_change[1] > -1.5 and low_change <= -1.5, 'LOW', 'Crossunder')

I appreciate if anyone could help me create these alertconditions please.

max_bars = 5000
indicator('Lowest / Highest From Widget', overlay = true, max_bars_back = max_bars)

////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
//                                   INPUTS                                   \\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
high_flag = input.bool(true, '', group = 'Line Level Styling', inline = '1')
high_col = input.color(color.aqua, title = 'Last Seen High', group = 'Line Level Styling', inline = '1')

low_flag = input.bool(true, '', group = 'Line Level Styling', inline = '2')
low_col = input.color(color.maroon, title = 'Last Seen  Low ', group = 'Line Level Styling', inline = '2')

in_table_pos = input.string(title = 'Table Location', defval = 'Top Right', options = ['Top Right', 'Middle Right', 'Bottom Right', 'Top Center', 'Middle Center', 'Bottom Center', 'Top Left', 'Middle Left', 'Bottom Left'], group = 'Table Styling', inline = '1')

in_table_size = input.string(title = 'Table Size   ', defval = 'Small', options = ['Auto', 'Huge', 'Large', 'Normal', 'Small', 'Tiny'], group = 'Table Styling', inline = '2')

table_col = input.color(color.gray, title = '     Table', group = 'Table Styling', inline = '1')
text_col = input.color(color.white, title = '   Text', group = 'Table Styling', inline = '2')

// Get Table Position
table_pos(p) =>
    switch p
        'Top Right' => position.top_right
        'Middle Right' => position.middle_right
        'Bottom Right' => position.bottom_right
        'Top Center' => position.top_center
        'Middle Center' => position.middle_center
        'Bottom Center' => position.bottom_center
        'Top Left' => position.top_left
        'Middle Left' => position.middle_left
        => position.bottom_left

// Get Table Size
table_size(s) =>
    switch s
        'Auto' => size.auto
        'Huge' => size.huge
        'Large' => size.large
        'Normal' => size.normal
        'Small' => size.small
        => size.tiny

////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
//                                CALCULATIONS                                \\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

// Find the high level where it's higher than today.
get_level_high_since() =>
    num_bars = 0
    time_back = 0
    price_level = high

    max_bar = max_bars >= bar_index ? bar_index : max_bars
    for i = 1 to max_bar by 1
        if high[i] >= high
            time_back := time[i]
            num_bars := i
            price_level := high[i]

    [time_back, num_bars, price_level]

// Find the low level where it's lower than today. 
get_level_low_since() =>
    num_bars = 0
    time_back = 0
    price_level = low

    max_bar = max_bars >= bar_index ? bar_index : max_bars
    for i = 1 to max_bar by 1
        if low[i] <= low
            time_back := time[i]
            num_bars := i
            price_level := low[i]

    [time_back, num_bars, price_level]

[high_time, high_num_bars, high_price_lev] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', get_level_high_since())
[low_time, low_num_bars, low_price_lev] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', get_level_low_since())

////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
//                                   OutPut                                   \\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

// Plot function 
plot_func(tim, num, level, col) =>
    string date = na
    string days = na
    string price = na
    string change = na

    line line_level = na

    if tim == 0
        line_level := line.new(time[1], level, time, level, xloc = xloc.bar_time, extend = extend.left, color = col)

        days := '0'
        date := level <= low[1] ? 'ALL TIME LOW' : 'ALL TIME HIGH'

        line_level := line.new(tim, level, time, level, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = col)

        days := str.tostring(math.ceil((time_close - tim) / 86400000) - 1)
        date := str.tostring(year(tim)) + '-' + (month(tim) < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(month(tim)) : str.tostring(month(tim))) + '-' + (dayofmonth(tim) < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(dayofmonth(tim)) : str.tostring(dayofmonth(tim)))

    price := str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(level))

    change := '%' + str.tostring((level - close) / close * 100, '#.##')

    [date, days, price, change]

// Table
var tbl = table.new(table_pos(in_table_pos), 5, 3, frame_color = #151715, frame_width = 1, border_width = 1, border_color = color.new(color.white, 100))

table_cell(row, desc, date, days, price, change, bg_col, txt_col, size_tbl) =>
    table.cell(tbl, 0, row, desc, bgcolor = bg_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = size_tbl)
    table.cell(tbl, 1, row, date, bgcolor = bg_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = size_tbl)
    table.cell(tbl, 2, row, days, bgcolor = bg_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = size_tbl)
    table.cell(tbl, 3, row, price, bgcolor = bg_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = size_tbl)
    table.cell(tbl, 4, row, change, bgcolor = bg_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = size_tbl)

// Columns title
table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, syminfo.ticker, bgcolor = table_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, 'Seen on', bgcolor = table_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, 'Days ago', bgcolor = table_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 3, 0, 'Price', bgcolor = table_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 4, 0, '% Change', bgcolor = table_col, text_color = text_col, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))

// Last Seen High
if high_flag
    [high_date, high_days, high_price, high_change] = plot_func(high_time, high_num_bars, high_price_lev, high_col)
    table_cell(1, 'High', high_date, high_days, high_price, high_change, high_col, text_col, table_size(in_table_size))

// Last Seen Low  
if low_flag
    [low_date, low_days, low_price, low_change] = plot_func(low_time, low_num_bars, low_price_lev, low_col)
    table_cell(2, 'Low', low_date, low_days, low_price, low_change, low_col, text_col, table_size(in_table_size))

alertcondition(high_change[1] < 1.5 and high_change >= 1.5, 'HIGH', 'Crossover')
alertcondition(low_change[1] > 1.5 and low_change <= 1.5, 'LOW', 'Crossunder')


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