I have 2 custom attributes in my cognito user pool. When the user creates an account it assigns them to one of the groups and then routes the user to that experience. If I use a text box input, the code works fine:
'custom:userType': {
label: 'User Type (You are not required to have a therapist)',
placeholder: 'Enter "groupA" or "groupB"',
required: true,
order: 2,
If I use a the radio button, the radio buttons do not show up (see image) How can I fix this, using either a radio button or a dropdown?
'custom:userType': {
label: 'User Type',
required: true,
order: 2,
type: 'radio',
options: [
{ label: 'groupA', value: 'groupA' },
{ label: 'groupB', value: 'groupB' },
**Full code example **
// RootAuth.jsx
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
import {
} from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
import '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';
import { fetchAuthSession } from 'aws-amplify/auth';
import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
import { useDataContext } from './context/DataContext';
import { createProfileAfterSignUp } from './utils/createUserProfile';
// Configure Amplify
const myCustomTheme = createTheme({
name: 'MyCustomTheme',
tokens: {
colors: {
brand: {
primary: {
100: '#5a3eaf', // your main purple
components: {
tabs: {
item: {
_active: {
color: '#5a3eaf',
borderColor: '#5a3eaf',
button: {
link: {
color: '#5a3eaf',
primary: {
backgroundColor: '#5a3eaf',
export default function RootAuth() {
const formFields = {
signUp: {
email: { label: 'Email', type: 'email', required: true, order: 1 },
given_name: {
label: 'First Name',
placeholder: 'Enter your first name',
required: true,
order: 3,
family_name: {
label: 'Last Name',
placeholder: 'Enter your last name',
required: true,
order: 4,
password: {
label: 'Password',
placeholder: 'Enter your password',
required: true,
order: 5,
confirm_password: {
label: 'Confirm Password',
placeholder: 'Confirm your password',
required: true,
order: 6,
'custom:userType': {
label: 'User Type',
required: true,
order: 2,
type: 'radio',
options: [
{ label: 'groupA', value: 'groupA' },
{ label: 'groupB', value: 'groupB' },
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={myCustomTheme}>
This div is absolutely positioned to fill the viewport (no extra scroll)
and is centered so that the Authenticator sits in the middle on mobile.
position: 'fixed',
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
// Choose overflow: 'hidden' if you never need scrolling;
// or 'auto' if your form might grow taller than the screen.
overflow: 'hidden',
backgroundColor: '#fff', // so we don't see underlying page
zIndex: 9999, // ensure it sits above any nav
<Authenticator formFields={formFields}>
{({ user }) => {
if (!user) return null;
return <PostSignInRedirect />;
function PostSignInRedirect() {
const navigate = useNavigate();
const { setUserAndFetchData } = useDataContext();
useEffect(() => {
async function handleSignIn() {
try {
console.log('Fetching auth session...');
const session = await fetchAuthSession();
const payload = session.tokens.idToken.payload;
console.log('ID token payload:', payload);
// Attempt to create user profile if it doesn't exist
try {
console.log('Attempting to create user profile...');
await createProfileAfterSignUp(payload);
} catch (error) {
'User profile creation error (may already exist):',
// Set user in context & conditionally fetch data
// Route based on user type
const userTypeValFromCustom =
payload['custom:userType']?.toLowerCase() || '';
let userTypeVal = userTypeValFromCustom;
if (!userTypeVal) {
const groups = payload['cognito:groups'] || [];
if (groups.includes('groupA')) {
userTypeVal = 'groupA';
} else if (groups.includes('groupB')) {
userTypeVal = 'groupB';
if (userTypeVal === 'groupA') {
} else {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error during post-sign-in:', error);
}, [navigate, setUserAndFetchData]);
return null;