
Hyperlinks stopped displaying properly from php code for Directory


The following code has always worked on our site, allowing for the display words to be shown representing the attached hyperlink URLs. Recently, our site is showing both the display word AND the URL of the hyperlink following it.

For example, the word "Resume" previously would be displayed as a hyperlink to the file "cv.value" Now the site reads: Resume cv.value

We haven;t changed anything on our end. Running WP v6.7.2, Dynamic User Directory v2.1, Insert php code snippet v1.4.1

Would love to know how to edit the following php snippet to make it work again.

php snippet:


// create a file pointer connected to the output stream
$csvoutput = fopen('wp-content/uploads/eachersDirectory.csv', 'w');

// add to SELECT if requested:
// , COALESCE(cv.value, '') AS 'Resume', COALESCE(imdb.value, '') AS 'IMDB'
$query = "SELECT users.display_name AS 'Name', users.user_email AS 'Email Address', COALESCE(phone.value, '') AS 'Phone' FROM  wp_3gwns004cx_users users LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, value FROM  wp_3gwns004cx_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 19) phone ON phone.user_id = users.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, CONCAT('/', value) AS 'value' FROM  wp_3gwns004cx_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 3 AND value <> '') cv ON cv.user_id = users.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, value FROM  wp_3gwns004cx_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 5) imdb ON imdb.user_id = users.id LEFT JOIN  wp_3gwns004cx_usermeta usermeta ON users.id = usermeta.user_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, meta_value FROM  wp_3gwns004cx_usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'last_name') lnametable ON lnametable.user_id = users.id WHERE usermeta.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:\"subscriber\";b:1;}' GROUP BY users.display_name ORDER BY lnametable.meta_value ASC;";

// output the column headings
//fputcsv($csvoutput, array('Name', 'Email Address', 'Phone', 'Resume', 'IMDB'));
fputcsv($csvoutput, array('Name', 'Email Address', 'Phone'));

// fetch the data
$db = mysqli_connect('f82444021589530.db.44021589.8dc.hostedresource', 'f82444021589530', 'R1*Ju!Og', 'f82444021589530', 3313);
$rows = mysqli_query($db, $query);

// loop over the rows, outputting them
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rows)) {
    fputcsv($csvoutput, $row);

// close the file

// output the headers so we download the file
    //header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
   // header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=TeachersDirectory.csv');
// download the file


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