class="heightTr selector-481-66"
[ngStyle]="{ 'background-color': (row.hover && enablehover) ? this.hovercolor : row.Color }"
? enablehover
? 'whiteText'
: 'whiteText'
: enablehover
? 'blackText'
: 'blackText'
*matRowDef="let row; columns: headersToDisplay | paginate : {
id: widgetidpdf + 'tablePaginator',
itemsPerPage: defaultPageSize,
currentPage: p,
totalItems: totalItems
While using paginate with pipe some columns are not visible when we didn't select pagination and when we remove paginate with pipe all the columns are visible but now i am not able to paginate help me to fix this issue
I am expecting a solution where i can get all the data