
node.js - How to dynamically change data in a table while selecting in TypeORM & PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow


In my project, I'm trying to save actions that made by users for audit purpose, ex: creating new items, delete smth etc. I'm using postgresql and typeorm. let's say I have history table to save this. this table contains following columns:

id, description, author_id, track_id, track_type, metadata.

here track_type can be users, groups, items.

My question is: how can i save info in description column some dynamic variables. Example:

Изменён период обучения ученика Richard L. с уч. единицей Group Big Apple From 1/28/2025 - 9/30/2025 to 11/1/2024 - 9/30/2025

here Richard L. is link to the users profile and Group Big Apple is link to the groups details page. when user's name or group's name changed, thay are also be changed in history.

I tried to save that name's id in html tag(<a href='groups/1'>{groupName}</a>) and put placeholder for name, and their ids in metadata. but i have no idea how to change placeholders while getting data from history table.



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