I have a parent component called ams-card
like below. Some code removed to keep it short, but full version here
Visually, put together it looks like this:
When you click on a spool, it opens a modal with more information. The issue I am having though, is something is triggering it to re-render, which closes the modal. I'm assuming at this point, its coming from the parent ams-card, but I am a little unsure.
I have an instance of these where I only render the spool once in its own right, and that never gets closed due to updates, hence why I think perhaps its something to do with the repeating, and maybe some reference clashes or something. I'm honestly not sure at this point
export class AMS_CARD extends LitElement {
// private states
@state() private _subtitle;
@state() private _isLoading = true;
@provide({ context: hassContext })
private _hass?;
@provide({ context: deviceEntitesContext })
private _deviceEntities: any;
@provide({ context: infoBarContext })
private _infoBar: {
active: boolean;
title: string;
sensors: { humidity: any; temperature: any };
} = {
active: false,
title: "",
sensors: {
humidity: null,
temperature: null,
config: any;
set hass(hass) {
this._hass = hass;
this._states = hass.states;
private async fetchDevices() {
this._isLoading = true;
try {
await this.filterBambuDevices();
this._infoBar.sensors = this.returnInfoBarSensors();
} finally {
this._isLoading = false;
setConfig(config) {
if (!config.ams) {
throw new Error("You need to select an AMS");
this.config = config;
this._subtitle = config.subtitle === "" ? nothing : config.subtitle;
this._deviceEntities = config.entities;
this._deviceId = config.ams;
this._style = config.style;
this._infoBar = {
active: config.show_info_bar ? true : false,
title: config.subtitle === "" ? nothing : config.subtitle,
sensors: {
humidity: null,
temperature: null,
this._showInfoBar = config.show_info_bar ? true : false;
this._showType = config.show_type ? true : false;
this._customHumidity = config.custom_humidity === "" ? nothing : config.custom_humidity;
this._customTemperature =
config.custom_temperature === "" ? nothing : config.custom_temperature;
render() {
if (this._isLoading) return nothing;
return html` <vector-ams-card .showType=${this._showType} /> `;
private returnInfoBarSensors() {
const sensors: { humidity: any; temperature: any } = {
humidity: null,
temperature: null,
//do stuff
return sensors;
this returns vector-ams-card
like so:
@consume({ context: deviceEntitesContext, subscribe: true })
private _entities;
@property() public showType;
static styles = styles;
render() {
return html`
<ha-card class="ha-bambulab-vector-ams-card">
<div class="v-wrapper">
<div class="v-ams-container">
(spool: { entity_id: string }) => html`
style="padding: 0px 5px"
which finally calls the spool component and modal here
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { html, LitElement, nothing } from "lit";
import styles from "./spool.styles";
import "../dialog/dialog";
import { getContrastingTextColor } from "../../../utils/helpers";
import { hassContext } from "../../../utils/context";
import { consume } from "@lit/context";
export class Spool extends LitElement {
@consume({ context: hassContext, subscribe: true })
private hass;
@property({ type: Boolean }) public show_type: boolean = false;
@property({ type: String }) public entity_id;
@state() private color;
@state() private name;
@state() private active;
@state() private remaining;
@state() private tag_uid;
@state() private state;
@state() private remainHeight: number = 95;
@state() private resizeObserver: ResizeObserver | null = null;
@state() private _dialogOpen: boolean = false;
static styles = styles;
connectedCallback() {
// Create a bound instance method to avoid creating new functions on each resize
this._handleResize = this._handleResize.bind(this);
// Start observing the parent element for size changes
this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this._handleResize);
const rootNode = this.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot;
const parent = this.parentElement || (rootNode instanceof ShadowRoot ? rootNode.host : null);
if (parent) {
private _handleResize() {
// Only update if the component is still connected to the DOM
if (this.isConnected) {
disconnectedCallback() {
if (this.resizeObserver) {
this.resizeObserver = null;
firstUpdated() {
private _handleClick() {
this._dialogOpen = true;
private _closeDialog() {
this._dialogOpen = false;
render() {
console.log("spool component render");
return html`
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-card-container">
style="border-color: ${this.active
? this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes.color
: "#808080"}"
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-container">
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-side"></div>
style="${this.active ? "animation: wiggle 3s linear infinite" : nothing}"
style="background: ${this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes
.color}; height: ${this.remainHeight.toFixed(2)}%"
${this.active ? html`<div class="v-reflection"></div>` : nothing}
${this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes?.remain > 0
? html`
<div class="remaining-percent">
: nothing}
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-side"></div>
? html` <div class="ha-bambulab-spool-info-container">
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-info-wrapper">
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-info">
: nothing}
modal() {
if (!this._dialogOpen) return nothing;
console.log("spool component modal rendered");
return html`
<ha-dialog-header slot="heading">
<ha-icon-button slot="navigationIcon" dialogAction="cancel"
><ha-icon icon="mdi:close"></ha-icon
<div slot="title">${this.hass.states[this.entity_id].attributes.friendly_name}</div>
<div class="ha-bambulab-spool-modal-container">
<div class="filament-title section-title">Filament Information</div>
<div class="div2 item-title">Filament</div>
<div class="div3 item-value">${this.hass.states[this.entity_id].attributes.name}</div>
<div class="div4 item-value">
style="background-color: ${this.hass.states[this.entity_id].attributes
.color}; color: ${getContrastingTextColor(
)}; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 5px;"
<div class="div5 item-title">Color</div>
<div class="div6 section-title">Nozzle Temperature</div>
<div class="div7 item-title">Minimum</div>
<div class="div8 item-value">
<div class="div9 item-value ">
<div class="div10 item-title">Maximum</div>
<div class="action-buttons">
<mwc-button class="action-button" @click=${this._closeDialog}>Load</mwc-button>
<mwc-button class="action-button" @click=${this._closeDialog}>Unload</mwc-button>
updateLayers() {
// Query the #string-roll element inside this component's shadow DOM
const stringRoll = (this.renderRoot as ShadowRoot).getElementById("v-string-roll");
if (!stringRoll) return;
const stringWidth = 2; // matches .string-layer width in CSS
const rollWidth = stringRoll.offsetWidth; // container width
// Calculate how many lines fit
const numLayers = Math.floor(rollWidth / (stringWidth * 2)); // 2 = line width + gap
// Clear previous layers
const previousLayers = this.renderRoot.querySelectorAll(".v-string-layer");
previousLayers.forEach((layer) => layer.remove());
// Add new layers
for (let i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) {
const layer = document.createElement("div");
// Calculate left position = (index + 1) * (width*2) - width
const leftPosition = (i + 1) * (stringWidth * 2) - stringWidth;
layer.style.left = `${leftPosition}px`;
isAllZeros(str) {
return /^0+$/.test(str);
calculateHeights() {
// Skip calculation if modal is open to prevent unwanted updates
if (this._dialogOpen) return;
const maxHeightPercentage = 95;
const minHeightPercentage = 12;
// If not a Bambu Spool or remaining is less than 0
if (
this.isAllZeros(this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes.tag_uid) ||
this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes?.remain < 0
) {
this.remainHeight = maxHeightPercentage;
} else {
// Get the container's height
const container = this.renderRoot.querySelector(
) as HTMLElement | null;
const containerHeight = container?.offsetHeight || 0;
// Calculate heights in pixels
const maxHeightPx = containerHeight * (maxHeightPercentage / 100);
const minHeightPx = containerHeight * (minHeightPercentage / 100);
// Calculate remain height based on the remain percentage
const remainPercentage = Math.min(
Math.max(this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes?.remain, 0),
this.remainHeight = minHeightPx + (maxHeightPx - minHeightPx) * (remainPercentage / 100);
// Convert back to percentage of container
this.remainHeight = (this.remainHeight / containerHeight) * 100;
// Ensure remainHeight is always a number and doesn't exceed maxHeightPercentage
this.remainHeight = Math.min(
Number(this.remainHeight) || maxHeightPercentage,
// Add willUpdate lifecycle method to handle hass changes
willUpdate(changedProperties) {
if (changedProperties.has("hass")) {
// Skip the update if dialog is open to prevent unwanted re-renders
if (!this._dialogOpen) {
// New method to handle state updates
private updateFromHass() {
if (!this.hass || !this.entity_id) return;
const newActive =
this.hass.states[this.entity_id]?.attributes.active ||
? true
: false;
// Only update if the active state has changed
if (this.active !== newActive) {
this.active = newActive;
// Only recalculate heights if dialog is not open
if (!this._dialogOpen) {