
vue.js - PrimeVue DataTable virtual scroll fires onLazyLoad without scroll - Stack Overflow


I'm trying to setup infinite scroll for Datatable but have an issue. My fetches triggers without scroll event, one by one. My component is wrapped by .

On this example I add only one Column for better perfomanse. Does anybody can see the problem here? I think I have tryed everything, but no result.

All possible data API fetches fires without scrolling, just on page load.

The documentation

const isLoading = ref(true)
const hasMoreData = ref(true)
const showError = ref(false)

const companiesStore = useCompaniesStore()
const showCompany = ref(false)
const showEditModal = ref(false)
const company = ref({})
const offset = ref(0)
const itemsToShow = 7
const isFetching = ref(false)

await companiesStore.getCompaniesTotal("bwf")
const totalRecords = computed(() => companiesStore.BWFTotal)

const companies = ref([])

const fetchInitialCompanies = async () => {
  try {
    const fetchedCompanies = await companiesStore.fetchCompanies({
      type: "bwf",
      limit: 0,
      offset: itemsToShow,
      name: ""
    companies.value = fetchedCompanies
    offset.value += itemsToShow
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching initial companies:", error)
  } finally {
    isLoading.value = false


const { height } = useWindowSize()
const heightStore = useHeightStore()
const totalHeightGetter = ref(0)
let scrollHeight = ref(null)
let navBottomHeight

watchEffect(() => {
  if (companies.value) {
    navBottomHeight = document.querySelector(".nav").clientHeight
    heightStore.getNavBottomHeight(navBottomHeight) // getter
    totalHeightGetter.value = heightStore.getTotalHeight // getter
    scrollHeight = height.value - totalHeightGetter.value - 18
    scrollHeight = scrollHeight + "px"

const loadMoreCompanies = async () => {
  console.log("load more")

  if (isFetching.value || !hasMoreData.value) return
  isFetching.value = true

  try {
    const newCompanies = await companiesStore.fetchCompanies({
      type: "bwf",
      limit: itemsToShow,
      offset: offset.value,
      name: ""

    if (newCompanies.length > 0) {
      companies.value = [..panies.value, ...newCompanies]
      offset.value += itemsToShow
      isFetching.value = false
    } else {
      hasMoreData.value = false // No more data to load
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error loading more companies:", error)
  } finally {
    isFetching.value = false
<script src=".4.2/vue.global.min.js"></script>
<div class="table-wrap overflow-auto">
    <div class="table h-full">
        tableStyle="max-width: 100%; height: 100%"
          delay: 5000,
          lazy: true,
          onLazyLoad: loadMoreCompanies,
          itemSize: 65
<Column field="name" header="Company" sortable style="width: 100%">
          <template #sorticon> <i class="icon-expand-up-down-line" /> </template>
          <template #body="slotProps">
            <span>{{ slotProps.data.name }}</span>
          <template #loading>
            <Skeleton width="75%" />


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