
Kotlin JDSL with Spring Data JPA on GraalVM - Stack Overflow



Kotlin JDSL provides the interface KotlinJdslJpqlExecutor. A Spring Data JPA repository interface, annotated with @Repository and extending JpaRepository can also extend KotlinJdslJpqlExecutor.

class MyEntity {
    var id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()

interface MyEntityRepository: JpaRepository<MyEntity, UUID>, KotlinJdslJpqlExecutor

This in used in a Spring Boot 3.x application. It works just fine during development. We compile and run on OpenJDK 21.

But after compiling into a native image (GraalVM), it doesn't work any more. These are some exceptions:

Caused by: .springframework.data.mapping.PropertyReferenceException: No property 'update' found for type 'MyEntity'


Caused by: .springframework.data.mapping.PropertyReferenceException: No property 'findAll' found for type 'MyEntity'


The source code of Kotlin JDSL Spring Data JPA support:

There is a BeanPostProcessor implementation in KotlinJdslJpaRepositoryFactoryBeanPostProcessor. The KotlinJdslJpqlExecutor is autowired and used to set a custom implementation.

open class KotlinJdslJpaRepositoryFactoryBeanPostProcessor : BeanPostProcessor {
    lateinit var kotlinJdslJpqlExecutor: KotlinJdslJpqlExecutor

    override fun postProcessBeforeInitialization(bean: Any, beanName: String): Any? {
        if (bean is JpaRepositoryFactoryBean<*, *, *> && bean.hasJdsl()) {

        return super.postProcessAfterInitialization(bean, beanName)

    private fun JpaRepositoryFactoryBean<*, *, *>.hasJdsl(): Boolean {
        return this.objectType.interfaces
            .any { it == KotlinJdslJpqlExecutor::class.java }

According to the Spring AOT documentation, BeanPostProcessor implementations are not invoked.

If the KotlinJdslJpaRepositoryFactoryBeanPostProcessor is the issue, how to fix this?



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