I'm experiencing a functional issue in my application, which is composed of several containers, including 10 business instances for scaling purposes. When I perform requests to /customDumpcacheBDD and /getAllVersions, which interact with the cache using Hazelcast, all other containers become unavailable and do not respond to requests during the restart of a business instance. Is this behavior normal? If not, could you provide some insights or suggestions on how to address this issue?
During start of new container, in other containers i have some logs telling that the current cluster node is connecting to the new node with IP adress and repartionning of maps over the cluster
my hazelcast configuration:
<hazelcast xsi:schemaLocation=" hazelcast-config-3.11.xsd"
<!-- All values here will be overridden by hocon config, but have to exist -->
<port auto-increment="false">3603</port>
<multicast enabled="false">
<tcp-ip enabled="true">
<property name="hazelcast.map.cleanup.delay.seconds">1</property>
<property name="hazelcast.jmx">true</property>
<!-- Default configurations -->
<map name="CNG_BL_MAILBOX">
<index ordered="false">pid</index>
<!-- COMPONENT -->
<map name="MAP_2">
<index ordered="false">media</index>
<index ordered="false">spiedUserUuid</index>
<index ordered="false">spiedEntityUuid</index>
<index ordered="false">spiedEntityType</index>
<index ordered="false">spyUserUuid</index>
<index ordered="false">spyFunction</index>
<map name="PROCESS">
<index ordered="false">csrUuid</index>
<index ordered="false">contactConnectionId</index>
<index ordered="false">csrConnectionId</index>
<index ordered="false">supervisedTransferUuid</index>
<index ordered="false">mediaEntryPointUuid</index>
<map name="NAME_MAP" >
<map name="strategies">
<max-size policy="PER_NODE">10</max-size>
<map name="spring:session:sessions">
<attribute extractor=".springframework.session.hazelcast.PrincipalNameExtractor">principalName</attribute>
<serializer class-name=".springframework.session.hazelcast.HazelcastSessionSerializer"