I like the option
<v-card :loading="loading">...
but I would like to change the style from linear progress bar to (for example) overlay. I know I can change colors by binding color instead of boolean (true).
<v-card :loading="'red'">...
But can I change the behavior in such a way? Either making the bar thicker or better, to show overlay when loading=true
I like the option
<v-card :loading="loading">...
but I would like to change the style from linear progress bar to (for example) overlay. I know I can change colors by binding color instead of boolean (true).
<v-card :loading="'red'">...
But can I change the behavior in such a way? Either making the bar thicker or better, to show overlay when loading=true
3 Answers
Reset to default 6apart from hacking the CSS and change from v-progress-linear
to v-progress-overlay
and hoping all works as expected, you will have not many more options
the documentation says, for the v-card
- Name: progress
- Description: Slot for custom progress linear (displayed when loading prop is not equal to Boolean False)
so you can work with a template
but your options are limited to the "progress linear"
<v-card :loading="loading">
<template slot="progress">
<v-progress-linear color="red" indeterminate></v-progress-linear>
as the example in CodePen
From the doc of vuetify, it says the loading prop can either be a string that specifies a color or a boolean.
Hence you can easily set the color loading animation by
<v-card :loading="loading ? 'red': null">
Use the progress slot on the v-card to show the overlay with your flavor of the loading indicator
Vuetify documentation v-card slots
<v-card class="ma-auto" width="300" height="300" :loading="loading">
<template slot="progress">
<v-overlay absolute class="d-flex flex-column text-center">
<v-progress-circular size="75" color="accent " :value="loadingProgress" indeterminate>
<v-btn text dark @click="loading = false" class="mt-3">Deactivate loading</v-btn>
<v-card-actions class="justify-center">
<v-btn @click="loading = true">Activate loading</v-btn>