
node.js - How to build SpringBoot and Angular using two different jenkins agent image in a pipeline - Stack Overflow


I work on a SpringBoot + Angular project. It is a very old project and it has not been built on Jenkins for month (I am new to the company) I don't have admin credentials on Jenkins, I can only create Pipelines that use docker images, provided by devops team, as agent.

I am trying to build my spring boot app with maven+jdk image agent and then building the angular project (npm install) with the node image agent. I have defined no default agent for my pipeline (agent none)

pipeline {
    agent none // Pas d'agent par défaut
    stages {
        stage('CleanWorkspace') {
            steps {
                script {
        stage('Checkout scm') {
            steps {
                // checking out git branch
                sh 'git checkout $BRANCH_SCOPE' 
        stage('Read POM Version') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def pomFile = readFile('./prism-ui/pom.xml')

                    def pomXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(pomFile)

                    env.BUILDVERSION = pomXml.version.text()

                    def currentBranch = env.BRANCH_SCOPE

                    echo "The version in the POM is: ${env.BUILDVERSION}"

        stage('Build Java Project') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'tools/maven3/apache-maven-3.6.3-jdk1.11.34_101:1.1.4'
                    label 'generic-slave'
            steps {
                sh 'mvn --batch-mode -V -U -e clean deploy -P release -gs ../settings.xml -DskipTests'
                sh 'echo the build $BUILDVERSION from $BRANCH_SCOPE has been successfully deployed on artifactory'
        stage('Check npm Installation') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'tools/nodejs/node-v22.10.0-linux-x64:1.0.0'
                    label 'generic-slave'
            steps {
                script {
                    def npmVersion = sh(script: 'npm -v', returnStdout: true).trim()
                    echo "npm version: ${npmVersion}"
        stage('Build Angular Project') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'tools/nodejs/node-v22.10.0-linux-x64:1.0.0'
                    label 'generic-slave'
            steps {
                script {
                    dir('angular-project-directory') {
                        sh '''
                            npm install
                            npm run build

It doesn't work : see error below
ERROR: Attempted to execute a step that requires a node context while ‘agent none’ was specified. Be sure to specify your own ‘node { ... }’ blocks when using ‘agent none’.




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